Why It’s Good to Train Them Early…

on May 1, 2008

When the teenagers were very young, for about a year and a half, we lived on my husband’s grandmother’s property. There were all sorts of sucky things about the arrangement, and one of them was the house itself–only 1/4 of it sat on a foundation–if you dropped a baby bottle on one side, you’d find… Read More

Just stay out of that ***ing house!

on April 29, 2008

The incomparable Eddie Izzard did this bit where he was talking about serial killers, and how we don’t know what to do with them. We tend to put them on house arrest, which works for the rest of the world, “Just stay out of that fucking house, right?” I was driving home from work yesterday… Read More

It’s not mellow yellow…it’s nipple piercing pink!

on April 27, 2008

I am working on the ugliest pair of legwarmers known to man. Just the word, ‘leg warmers’ unless I’m talking about the exquisite laceweight ones in the last issue of Interweave Knits should make you shudder, but these are for a student,and she asked for something real bright, so in an effort to ease the… Read More

Wow–I might even bore myself!!!

on April 25, 2008

Seriously–I’m not sure if it’s because I’m tired or because my funny star alignment is in it’s nadir, but I’m thinking I might even bore myself today. (But that’s not going to stop me from inflicting my boredom on the Universe–sometimes I’m not a very nice person.) Anyway, my 2nd period is working on a… Read More

I don’t know… is it me?

on April 23, 2008

I snarfed this one from Donna Lee–I’m such a sucker for stuff like this!!! You Are An INFP The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to… Read More

Passing with failing colors…

on April 22, 2008

I’m watching my kids take their STAR tests with such an incredibly mixed set of feelings that it’s hard to even sort them out of the bag, and I think I’ll spend this post actually trying. (Pause, while I make a kid take his earphones out of his ears. Realize that I don’t object to… Read More

Less Than Stellar Moments In Parenting..

on April 20, 2008

My last post got me thinking–I had a whole 13 years of parenting under my belt before I started blogging, and you guys missed some real humdingers in terms of me screwing the pooch (and the psyche) as an estrogen bearing progenitor of the species. I thought I’d go back and give you all some… Read More

A crime of hidden pesticide

on April 18, 2008

No no…I’m not qualified to lecture on going green or organic, this is something entirely different. For the last week or so, in the mornings as we’ve left, the Cave Troll has gone to the bed with the rose-bushes in it and written a soap opera about snails. “See mom…that snail is sleeping, and that… Read More

Bits of Bullets

on April 16, 2008

* In ten more posts, I will have 400–I”m thinking about having a Random Stash Dive contest…something like, “If you can guess how many boxes I have of GOOD yarn (my acryllic doesn’t count!) I’ll dive into a box and produce a random couple of skeins of fibery goodness!” * Ladybug has the eye-goop. Two… Read More

Sorting the Tangled Skein

on April 14, 2008

A bunch of random stuff today–let’s start with the title. I’ve managed to wreck three skeins of sock yarn this weekend. The first one was my fault–it was tricksy, splitsy stuff to begin with, and when I didn’t like the way the toes were working, I tried to frog it in the middle of the… Read More