The kids, at least, had fun today…

on March 25, 2008

It started with the plumber, here to fix the chronic sink back-up that started on Sunday (yes, the Sunday w/Easter eggs and company!) and the kids LOVED IT. A 60 foot vibrating sink snake, plugging into a port in the side of the house that they had heretofore ignored, was high adventure for Cave Troll… Read More

A little slice of cuteness.

on March 24, 2008

So I was singing to the short people tonight, and they were kicked back in the bed (they share a twin bed because, well, they want to!) and drinking their bottles, and in the middle of my song the following conversation took place–mind you, it sounded like a conversation between Lilo and Stitch, because Ladybug,… Read More

The Two Faces of Easter

on March 23, 2008

YOu’ve got the before, when everyone is in their nice new clothes, hunting eggs in the sunshine. And the after, when the baby is bare-assed naked, watching her favorite cartoon. In between you had mum cooking (eh–it was only good because we eat out so much it was a shock to the system!), company, some… Read More

I Compromised

on March 21, 2008

This is Torrant–wearing Ellyot Moon’s name, seen through Eljean’s eyes. Thanks for the input, everybody–it made choosing this passage very easy:-) ELJEAN Eljean was bored. He sat on the stone steps outside the regent’s apartment in the chill of the morning, closed his cat-green eyes and tilted his face up towards the late summer sun…. Read More

on March 20, 2008

Hey had to put these pics on they’re sssssssssssssoooooooooooooo cute aren’t they awsome love,chicken.

Vacation shall begin.

on March 20, 2008

I am so brain-dead, the brain-sucker the children planted on my scalp when the first one was born has just flopped off my scalp and onto the table. It’s currently twitching in postmortem little splangs across the table, and I’m just waiting for it to completely stop moving so I can feed it to the… Read More

It’s That Time of Year Again…

on March 18, 2008

The time when all the students wants points for just showing up. I’d be willing to give it to them, if they’d do me the same favor, but as it is, they’d take the credit, smoke it, and then I’d get fired for passing out impossible drugs. I had one of those bizarre ‘I’m as… Read More

Trust Me-Only the Baby is Innocent.

on March 16, 2008

The cat is a pus-sucking sodomizer of furry cockroach droppings. And I don’t know what he has against this colorway, either! It’s so pretty–just like spring–but once again, the damned cat wasted the first one and then rooted through the bag for the second one. Seriously, folks, it looks like if Captain Stashdive is gonna… Read More


on March 14, 2008

I haven’t written the synopsis for Bitter Moon yet. I should have–but bedtime has been a terrible war this week, and sleep is the casualty, and by ten or eleven o’clock at night, my eyes are burning and my brain is deep-fried with clams. I have been able to knit, though, and that experiment with… Read More