Lunch Time With All of You…

on December 10, 2007

It’s official. I’m overwhelmed. I looked at my last post, chuckled a little, and then realized–it’s not funny. With the exception of the knitting, I still have to do ALL OF THAT in the next seventeen days. And really, who wants to skimp on the knitting? The good news is, the book is READY for… Read More

And if I warp the space time continuum…

on December 8, 2007

Thank you all, I’m feeling a little less cranky and a lot more human, now that I actually devoted some time to knitting and finished the first three sections of the third edit. In fact, I’m feeling like I can actually plan for the next 3 1/2 weeks without losing my mind…shall I run some… Read More

Your Attention Please:

on December 7, 2007

Amy Lane is interupting her usual moment of blogging, editing, and surfing the net randomly in order to stay awake to hover in her knitting corner, snarling rabidly at any unhappy family member who attempts to get near her, talk to her, or otherwise glom onto her otherwise overtaxed personal space. She will resume her… Read More

Goddess bless…

on December 4, 2007

Okay–I just tried to load a hella precious photo of our Lady of Bug, preening over her little Cindy-Lou Who palm trees in her hair, and I couldn’t do it. But the story is also hella precious–I can give you that instead: Little Cindy Lou Palm Tree got groomed by Chicken on Thanksgiving morning, and… Read More

Book News…

on December 2, 2007

First of all–thank you all. Periodically I melt into a big nasty scum puddle of pity, and you all never fail to wade through me and remind me that my spine is intact and I will walk again. Words are small things to the enormity of my gratitude–thank you. I got some sleep this weekend–I’ve… Read More

Lie lie lie…

on December 1, 2007

Remember that Simon and Garfunkle song, “The Boxer”? “In the corner stands a boxer and a fighter by his trade, and he carries a reminder of every glove that laid him down or cut him ’til he cried out, in his anger and his shameI am leaving Iam leaving but the fighter still remains…” Some… Read More

Ten random things…

on November 28, 2007

Ten random things about me that you will probably wish I’d kept to myself… 1. I almost graduated from college with a masters degree instead of a BA because, although I had 20 units more than I needed to graduate, I had too many units in English. They had to re-name a graduate English course… Read More

The 300?

on November 26, 2007

I wanted to do something big and nutty for my 300th post–you know, a contest or some sort of deeply introspective and brilliantly pondering work that would make the bells of humanity tone foreverandevermore amen. But really? I’m not in that sort of mood. About the only thing I have to report is that I’m… Read More

Wii-search complete.

on November 23, 2007

No–not my Wii-search, thank gods… Let me start from the beginning. Six years ago today, my buddy and I embarked on a bizarre quest. We both hate shopping. Neither of us regard it as a sport. Neither of us are ‘girlie girls’ who go shopping for the helluva it and a cool sale on lipgloss…. Read More

Why I don’t tell you guys what I cook…

on November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving, first of all! My link button is still missing, otherwise I’d give you a link to Roxie’s new book–a thing I, for one, am especially thankful for. Besides being a constant, inspirational source of support, Roxie is one helluva writer–and her character, Sanna, is a spunky delight and I’m so thrilled to be… Read More