its 8 am and im thirteen so i can’t type right

on November 4, 2007

today iam here to show you the whole family at 6am and i am not going to use capitalsand good grammar because the CHICKEN is here today. i have one of mum, one of dud, and acouple of the siblings. lets wait for the pictures to down load………………….ah there here look observe watch GEEEEToooffffff my… Read More

Mean Assed Scorpio Moon…

on November 2, 2007

I have to thank Coach Susan for that appelation, by the way–thinking in those terms has actually really helped me through the last couple of weeks… The kids making me feel useless? There is a mean-assed scorpio moon moving through Libra–it will pass. Fucking prickweenie is screwing with me and the school district is peppering… Read More

Excuse me…

on October 31, 2007

I was going to blog but the Cave Troll just answered the door to trick-r-treaters wearing nothing but a flesh-colored weiner. His. Happy Halloween!

Because I just had to share…

on October 30, 2007

So we’ve had to hide the deodorant because Ladybug has been eating it, and, silly me, I forgot to put the Secret in the top cupboard the other night. The Cave Troll had been up and around after he’d been put to bed, and I finally just laid him down, threatened spankings and got really… Read More

1027 & Name

on October 29, 2007

My weekend was long and exhausting–Chicken had a soccer tourney and the short people were sick and, all in all, the best part of it was a couch nap with the Cave Troll and Ladybug on my lap. Ladybug was still awake–she kept leaning into me so I’d kiss her neck, and then she’d relax… Read More

Is it Friday already?

on October 26, 2007

Damn… sure is! First of all, I got my manuscript back from it’s odyssey–and it came with perks!!! Thanks five billion times twelve to Roxie and Needletart…they not only did a fantastic job editing, but they also send me slinkies and chocolate and sachets and soap (Bonnie!) and yarn and nifty cards (Roxie!) and I… Read More

This is me, not blogging.

on October 25, 2007

I went into the lunch room today, and all of the prickweenie men were whining because it didn’t matter how many kids they referred, their classes were just as horrible and the kids didn’t seem to be responding to their discipline procedures. It should have made me totally happy and gloaty because: A. It’s not… Read More

Don’t Call Me Dude…

on October 22, 2007

Okay, I had to get that other post off the air…it was just too negative to leave up another day. Lots has happened in the career front since Friday, and I don’t want to blog about any of it…suffice it to say that I hate politics, prickweenies, and men with no sense of humor about… Read More

Bless me, Fucker, for I have sinned–

on October 20, 2007

Oh great and ignorant prickweenie, I understand now why you are angry with me. I shall publicly list my transgressions here, for public censure, as an explanation as to why I was informed this afternoon that you are GUNNING FOR MY JOB. * I don’t enforce tardies. I shall be honest here. Tardies are always… Read More

You’ve GOT to be shitting me.

on October 17, 2007

First of all–Hi Rae!!! Glad to see you!!! Second–Julie’s got the COOLEST meme over at Samurai, and I’m getting in on the action for my next post… Third–this is gonna blow your mind. Have you ever had one of those wet-kitten-hanging-on-a-branch-over-a-fucking-waterfall days? My morning was like that. First of all, my work keys seem to… Read More