How Many Children Hath Lady Mac…

on April 3, 2007

Okay…first things first… We all know I love Roxie to death, but people…here I was, eagerly awaiting the box with her new manuscript to proof, and what did I get? Only this … And this too… (If you can’t see, they are these adorable kids books on cats…) And a little pig on a keychain… Read More

As God Is My Witness, May I Never Eat Fish Again…

on April 2, 2007

Okay–so I use the big glowing god in the corner of the room to babysit my children sometimes. A lot of times. Sue me–but I sit and occassionally get sat-upon myself, so at least I know what they know, right? And right now what I know is that this year’s Oscar Winner for best animated… Read More

Conversations, Minor decisions, and Pornless Porn

on March 31, 2007

Okay…minor decisions first–cotton intarsia baby blanket? What cotton intarsia baby blanket? I’m just not stupid enough to start a cotton intarsia baby blanket right now…do I look certifiably insane? Okay, fine, less eye make-up…I’m really not that crazy. Next, a couple of conversations from recent days that have totally cracked me up: Cave Troll: MOM!!!… Read More

Thank You, Mighty Samurai…

on March 29, 2007

Okay, I was just wondering what to blog about today–my choices are limited by my pissy mood (it IS that time of the month, after all…) and my @#$%ing computer at work. My sutdents are so tired/amped by the impending spring break, that (and this is the weirdest thing) they are BEGGING for worksheets…I mean…ICK!!!… Read More

The focus on focus…

on March 27, 2007

Okay…looking at Needletart’s blog (bless her bless her bless her!!!) the question seems to be, did I mean for that first chapter to be that unfocused? The answer is…yes and no. The whole book started from a short story that I wrote–it began with Cory in the gas station and ended with her and Adrian’s… Read More

Book Meme

on March 27, 2007

OKay…the deal is, you bold the ones you’ve read and leave blank the ones you haven’t. I’m going to warn you, that I’m going to cheat. If I haven’t actually read it, but I HAVE read enough crappy book reports on it to discuss it as though it’s the subject of my doctorate, well, I… Read More

Quick Question…

on March 26, 2007

Okay, seriously– I’ve been working on the Cave Troll’s socks, and the colors are bright and they’re totally kicking me out of the funk (as is the spring rain:-)but I’m having trouble figuring out what to do about the baby blanket. I usually do not hate intarsia this badly. But then, I haven’t really done… Read More

The Skies Are Gray and Life is Gay…

on March 25, 2007

Happy, I mean… (but happy didn’t rhyme with gray…) Yeah…April is not nearly as cruel and March is not nearly as bitchy with a few rain clouds to soften all of that brightness. (I may be a color slut now, but given all the romantic poetry I made out with in college, I think the… Read More

If April is the Cruelest Month…

on March 23, 2007

Then does that make March just bitchy? Hmmm…speaking of bitchy… I’ve spent considerable time bitching on this blog, maybe it’s time to take some serious stock… Lessee… * My house is buried under 2 tons of crap. It’s to the point where I can’t even fathom where to start. * My desk at work is… Read More

Lines on My Forehead…

on March 22, 2007

So I was showering my day away last night, and I realized that I couldn’t seem to unfreeze the stress-clench from around my forehead and neck. I would try, I would think about something pleasant and it would ease up and then suddenly I would think about the mixed messages I’ve been receiving from the… Read More