The Infinity Mitten

on November 9, 2018

Me: aHA! Mate: What? Me: They have one! Mate: One what? Me: A pattern for the thing ZoomBoy wants for his birthday. *shows Mate THIS LINK* Mate: Are you serious? Me: Yup. He asked. Said it was the only thing he really wanted. Mate: No, really. Me: He called it “an infinity mitten”. Mate: You… Read More

Remember Who’s Voting Next

on November 7, 2018

I haven’t even checked election results. Like most democrats, I’m pretty sure I’m hiding in an enforced media blackout until tomorrow for the sake of my sanity. Anyway–my kids were NOT super invested in their phones today on the way from school, with the exception of a rather unfortunate picture of a man with a… Read More

Kermit Flail–Giving Thanks for Great Books!

on November 5, 2018

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! Okay– corny intro for our November issue, but I am SUPER grateful here.  I have to admit– I KIDNAPPED the first item on my list here. Parker Williams is one of Jackson and Ellery’s BIGGEST fans, and he’s reviewed Fish Out of Water on his blog and has even given Colby and Terrell a… Read More

Jai there! Part 2

on November 5, 2018

Hey all– first of all, I can’t guarantee how long this will be, or how many installments–but I WILL keep writing them every so often. Second of all, I don’t think it’s going to be a novel–but, like with Scorched Haven or some of the other ficlets it WILL end up somewhere, either on Instafreebie,… Read More

Jai Likes Him

on November 1, 2018

Okay– So I finished the SCB (Shitty Craft Book) which I have been working on for two weeks. It’s twelve a.m., and I don’t want to start my next novel until tomorrow. (ETA–I didn’t finish this last night, so now it’s 11:30 on Halloween night, and I wanted to give you guys a treat!) And… Read More


on October 30, 2018

Look at poor Guest Dog Gibbs– doesn’t she look jealous? Soooo jealous– she doesn’t have a costume either.  *sigh* Poor Gibbs– we’re going to have to buy her a costume so she doesn’t feel left out.  Chicken suggested a pirate since we have a lobster and a spider. Then she suggested a skirt–because her cat,… Read More

Putt putt putt… when you’re pretty much out of gas.

on October 29, 2018

So Friday had an unexpected climax. I spent most of the day working–trying hard to catch up with ALL THE THINGS that don’t get done when you’re on a trip. My friend Berry Jello texted and asked if we wanted to go see her daughter in a local haunted house–and of course we did. We… Read More

Honey Baby Sweetie Face

on October 26, 2018

So, it’s getting cold at night and the mornings are nippy–looks like it’s sweater time, right? Squish is getting entirely too old and sensible for Mom-wear, but ZoomBoy still treasures his sweater and the hat and mitt (yes, one, we don’t know where the other one is) that go with it. So this morning he… Read More

I’m home– and there’s a new release out!

on October 25, 2018

So, super quick–Hiding the Moon is out, and reading reviews is sort of funny. Some people are like, “Totally functions alone–but you definitely want to read all the other books first!” Some people are like, “DEFINITELY read the other books first!” I’m like, “Whatever makes you happy–but I was hoping Burton and Ernie could function… Read More

GRL Ho! But don’t forget…

on October 17, 2018

So I’m leaving for GRL tomorrow, and that’s exciting!  I’m sort of hanging out on the quiet profile there, which is unusual for me, but I look forward to hanging out with a lot of friends I haven’t seen in a while. So WHEEEE!!! I am, as usual, SO BEHIND on my packing–but I’m also… Read More