Home again!

on July 20, 2020

So it was a lovely vacation. It wasn’t as busy as we usually are–and while the kids were sort of sad about that, I was thrilled. We drove to a couple of state parks– Makerricher (sp), Russian Gulch, Glass Beach–and took the dogs on long walks, and even played in the sand for a little.  We… Read More

Lessons from Television

on July 11, 2020

So, Mate and I have been watching our share of TV and we’ve developed a taste for British crime drama. Oh yes–Midsummer Murders, DCI Banks, Scott & Bailey, Bletchley Girls, Unforgotten– our addiction runs deep, I can tell you.  And so, after season 3 of Unforgotten, as we’re thinking of reopening Midsummer Murders again at… Read More

Kermit Flail July!

on July 6, 2020

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I hope you all had a safe holiday–I have to admit, I’ve been somewhat of a crabby pants about all of the personal fireworks in our area. *shakes old woman fist at the sky* YOU DAMNED KIDS ARE SCARING MY DOGS!  I also have to apologize for missing June’s Kermit Flail–in full confession,… Read More

A Twitter Thread on World Building

on July 2, 2020

Sorry about the formatting–I actually did this as a thread on Twitter, and then sort of liked it, so I put it here so I could look it up if I needed it. You’re welcome to it. I’m going to make an observation here about world building when you’re writing urban fantasy. Not every detail about… Read More

Of an age…

on June 30, 2020

So Mate and I, in our ever ongoing quest to find decent TV we haven’t already watched–and our love of British Crime drama– have stumbled over Scott and Bailey, and it is a gem! It stars Lesley Sharp and Suranne Jones–both big British actresses that the US has been sorely cheated out of–as two female… Read More

Some high points of an inconsequential week…

on June 27, 2020

It’s funny how much we look forward to small stuff right now! First off, on Father’s Day, we took ice cream to my Dad. That was it. Three of us, two of them, out on the back porch, and Mate selected five pints of ice cream–we had a buffet. It was amazing, low risk, and… Read More

A Brief Meditation on Good Dads…

on June 21, 2020

So, true story… My phone defaults to the first song on my iTunes when I hit the go button on my earbuds. It’s a new thing–new ear buds, new phone, but it’s disconcerting, because I’ll be in the middle of a romantic suspense story and I hit the go button and…  Default song.  But more… Read More

About COVID…

on June 15, 2020

I’ll be honest. There’s shit I want to do. I want to go swimming–oh my God, do I miss swimming. I miss the pool, I miss the solidarity of our aqua group, I miss the way it burned calories and the things it did for my body. Two days before quarantine I got possibly my… Read More

In totally random news…

on June 9, 2020

I’ll be honest– this entire post hinged on photos, which my phone is refusing to send to my computer. *sigh* I’ll post the info anyway, and maybe, eventually, I can get the photos online. *  Squish turned in her books today and graduated from the 8th grade! She got to the school, handed off her… Read More

Snack in the Box

on June 3, 2020

I’ve been reaching out to friends who might be especially hurt by national events at the moment–and by, of course, the asinine response from the shit encrusted festering pustule on the taint of the country that some people call the president. The general consensus is they’re beyond exhausted, and beyond depressed. Ditto.  And while Mate… Read More