Beauty and the Beast

on September 30, 2018

When I wrote Sidecar, and Casey didn’t know about the AIDs crisis in 1988, people wrote me and said, “But he was only 150 miles north of San Francisco. How could he not?” Well, I didn’t. I mean, I’d heard of it, but nobody talked to me directly, and even though some of my friends… Read More


on September 28, 2018

So, I was going to write a post and say–honestly, I thought–that I had never been sexually assaulted, but I lived in fear of it. I was going to say that I believed the women who’d come forward, because I am the most likely person in the world to just be quiet, just hold it… Read More

Pet Door

on September 28, 2018

So Connie Bailey (*all the love in the world for this woman who is my soul mate and my sister*) took pictures at the workshop, and sent us the files. I used one of them for a new picture on FB but figured I’d let you get a look at them.  It’s funny–I would have… Read More


on September 19, 2018

Okay… so two things. Maybe three. One. I’m the worst at packing. I’ve discussed it here many times. My time honored packing technique consists of shoving in way too many clothes and then picking one item– one!– and, at the last possible gasp freaking out and shoving as many of those items possible in every… Read More

Road Construction

on September 18, 2018

Just a quickie– I’m leaving for Orlando on Wednesday morning–at asscrack Wednesday morning–and while I’m excited about the trip, I am, as always, buttfuck behind. Seriously– I started packing my knitting tonight, which means I’ll think I’m all ready to go tomorrow and suddenly be shoving half my inventory into an overnight bag in case… Read More

Breaking Point– SuperBat

on September 17, 2018

So– Chicken gave me this notions carrier for an EARLY birthday present and I love it SO MUCH! It’s small, so basically some scissors, a tape measure, and some yarn needles–or I could use it in my purse for small items– either or. It’s adorable. And it also put me in the mind for–you guessed… Read More

Who Am I?

on September 17, 2018

Okay– so some interesting feedback from a variety of places, much of it contradictory, has come to my attention. It reminds me that not everybody knows who I am. I mean, sure, I’ve been doing the blog for 12 years, and I’ve been writing for DSP for nine–but some people JUST met me, JUST read… Read More

Nothing to report…

on September 14, 2018

.  “Mom, what’s a textile?” “Well, Squish, it’s a fabric. Textiles are fabrics made of fiber. Knitted, woven, crocheted–“ “Oh. I’m reading about the textiles in Shetland.” I widened my eyes and got a better look at what she was reading. “What do you have there?” “One of your magazines. I had to do a… Read More

Rage Against the Machine

on September 12, 2018

So here I am, doing great on the fiction part of our program, but with nothing to talk about. I mean, Ambrosia and Idris visited, bringing baby Ellie with them, and she’s getting SO BIG, and the sweater will look ADORABLE on her, and it was a lovely visit–but, like a dork, I got no… Read More

Monday Monday

on September 11, 2018

And today we established… That extra Del Taco brought inside and set on the stove counts as dinner if mom’s still napping when dad gets home from work. That my eldest daughter, Chicken, believes Geoffie is marginally cuter as her hair grows out in front of her face, but that A. This establishes her identity… Read More