A Little Late…

on June 22, 2018

But still sweet… So, Sunday was our official 29th anniversary, and I was SO going to go out with Mate and we had plans to… Fall asleep on the couch, repeatedly. Recital does that to us–and every year we forget. We come home Saturday night, fall asleep before ten, and spend the next day going,… Read More

So today…

on June 20, 2018

I told my children that our government was ripping children from the arms of parents just looking for safety. I told them that Dad and I were upset about it–and it was making us mad and tearful and we were going to watch something stupid on TV because we’d been thinking about it all day… Read More

Pinched Nerve

on June 19, 2018

I may have mentioned this before– There’s such a thing as writing injuries. I thought I was alone, and it was just because of the weight, but I saw Jeaneane Frost talking about it on Twitter. Writers can fuck themselves up by sitting down, staring at a screen, and making their thoughts into words for… Read More

Another Recital

on June 18, 2018

Okay–does anybody remember that scene from Romancing the Stone, after the Angelina part, where we see Kathleen Turner wandering around her apartment in her pajamas and socks, looking for tissue so she could blow her nose? I wish that’s what happened when I finished my Christmas novel, HomeBird, this Friday night. Instead, I whipped off… Read More

Father’s Day, 2018

on June 17, 2018

So, going to get political. You’re going to see a lot of idiot politicians tomorrow–Republican ones–who claim to espouse family values–get on social media and say, “I’m a father and I’m proud.” Today my husband helped volunteer–like he always does–as a Security Dad for our dance recital. And he hauled shit and sold tickets and… Read More

Help! My dogs have the derpies!

on June 15, 2018

So, we’re in the home stretch for a couple of things– *  Finishing HomeBird * First edit of Hiding the Moon *  Filling out SCADS of paperwork *  The kids’ recital is Saturday And while I’m riding the fine edge of exhaustion, none of it is particularly exciting to relate to you, but I DO have… Read More

Pierce and Hal Ficlet: Coming Home

on June 13, 2018

This is the final Road Trip Ficlet, and rounds up the “post book” material that’s going into the new edition of Regret Me Not this Christmas! Coming Home  The absence of snow had made the last three days of driving much easier.  Hal had made good time after Oklahoma and through Texas, and he’d managed to… Read More

The Thing With Tech

on June 12, 2018

Okay, so any of us who have to squint at our computer screens are aware of the problem. Our children know more tech than we do. It is no secret amongst my family that if I was suddenly left in the house alone, I might never watch television again.  I don’t know how to work… Read More


on June 11, 2018

We had so much fun! The event was lovely–but then, it was last year too, and that’s why I brought my kids this year. The parade was well attended and meaningful, and the booths were active and vibrant. My kids had a fantastic time, and we brought Chicken’s best friend (since Chicken worked) who was… Read More

Dear Citizen…

on June 8, 2018

So, we’re in the middle of recital  rehearsal again, and if you don’t hear from me when you usually do, you know what’s happening… I’m spending 2-3 nights a week supervising other people’s children. Which is generally exhausting. To wit, I’ve got a couple of Dear Citizen letters to start my night of writing off… Read More