Counting Blessings

on March 22, 2018

So I was walking the dogs in the rain, and feeling sorry for myself for a variety of reasons I won’t bore you with because even I knew they were stupid. The dogs were looking damned pathetic–as you can see here, the great flood was in progress and they couldn’t believe I was making them… Read More

Guess What’s Coming to Your Local Book Store!

on March 21, 2018

 So it was a really quiet day today. It rained a little, I picked up the kids–we watched a lot of TV tonight as a family which was nice. Mostly, I was writing, which I really need to do, along with a bunch of other stuff, so even though there’s going to be Kermit Flail… Read More

Travel Season — A Regret Me Not Fic

on March 20, 2018

I was actually planning another Regret Me Not fic this week and somebody prompted me by asking on FaceBook– so definitely enjoy! *  *  * Hal loved Pierce’s little sister Sasha, especially after spending a week with her and her adorable family over Christmas. But he really hated her tiny suburban house. “What are you–“… Read More

Odds and Ends

on March 19, 2018

So, getting back into the swing of things this weekend, and taking care of some odds and ends! This one’s going to be a bullet point post, because if I’m lucky I can put together 2K for my word limit tonight, but I’m still a little tired and not feeling that lucky! Here goes! *… Read More

Vacationing: The Lane Family Blizzard Hits the East Coast

on March 15, 2018

 Okay–so we went back east. The purpose of going back east was to see Mate’s half-brother get married, but Mate also wanted to make the kids “see some culture” as it were, so in between “Hey, kids, you have to dress up in your best clothes and see a bunch of people you don’t remember… Read More

Packing: Me vs. My Husband

on March 6, 2018

Me: Okay, so we’re going to need eight days of clothing… Mate:  Check. Me: Eight pairs of underwear– Mate: Check. Me: Plust eight more pairs because screaming period has commenced. Mate: And socks. Me: …. Mate: And coats. Me: And six bras. Mate:… Me: And eight T-shirts. Mate: And eight T-shirts. Me: And four pairs… Read More

Kermit Flail MARCH!

on March 5, 2018

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So OMG– this week! I mean, got back from Daytona on Tuesday, and getting back on a plane on Wednesday and for a scant moment I thought, “You know, Amy… nobody’s that excited about Kermit Flail…” Except folks WERE excited. And people sent me their stuff and I didn’t have to ask and I… Read More

Brief Weekend Wrap Up

on March 5, 2018

Whew… Okay– going out of town next week with the WHOLE FAM DAMILY… and more about that later, I’m sure you’ll see the occasional picture! Anyway– So Kermit Flail is going up in the morning and tonight is mostly random disparate things… First of all… Eddie Vedder and Beyonce. HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS… Read More

Thank You

on March 2, 2018

I know it’s hard. I know the world is frightening, and the people we love most hurt us without trying. I know our politicians are indifferent and our professions more willing to discard us than train us to do better. I know sometimes our inner pain eclipses all our strength, and often our common sense…. Read More

My Status in Two Pictures (and one cat)…

on March 1, 2018

I’ll be honest. I don’t do much the day after I get back from somewhere. Especially when It took me a long time en route. So today, besides picking up ZoomBoy and taking the dogs for a walk… Mostly, I was a cat. This here is a picture of a cat. Doing what cats do…. Read More