Introducing Bobby Green

on February 6, 2018

Bobby Green by Amy Lane Vern Roberts couldn’t wait to turn eighteen and get the hell out of Dogpatch, California. But city living is expensive, and he’s damned desperate when Dex from Johnnies spots him bussing tables. As “Bobby,” he’s a natural at gay porn. Soon he’s surrounded by hot guys and sex for the… Read More

Hiding the Moon, Part 9

on February 5, 2018

Okay– in brief family news… We’re fighting off something. It’s got a headache and some body aches, but that’s sort of secondary. Mostly, it’s just… like a hideous bomb of tired that will go off at any minute and that we’re all surprised to get. It’s like, you get up, you get dressed, and then… Read More

Stash Excavation in Progress

on February 1, 2018

We are in Michael’s, getting frames for our new family photos: Mate: You got packages at home.Me: Mm. Saw that.Mate: One of them has a lion on it.Me: Mm.Mate: Like, Lion Brand. Like yarn.Me: Does it?Mate: It’s an entire box. Me: Mm.Mate: Did we want to comment on this?Me: It was their fault.Mate: Mm.Me: Remember… Read More

Hiding the Moon Part 8

on January 31, 2018

First of all, Bobby Green is out on February 6th, but in case you haven’t read the Johnnies books, I should point out that the whole series is on sale until February 14th–yay! Here’s the link for Amazon, but they’re also available at DSP and most other outlets for the same prices. So, other than… Read More

Geoffie in a TuTu

on January 30, 2018

So, three things. One–When Geoffie rolled around in the deer poop we had to throw away her sweater with the hood for green poopie reasons. Two–I spent today in the car with my friend Karen, showing her the wonder that is my hometown. She’s scouted here before so she knows some of it better than… Read More

Hiding the Moon–Part 7

on January 27, 2018

So, not much doin’ today–my friend Berry Jello is still sick, and I visited her. I want her to feel better–she’s usually got so much life! And then Chicken visited us and we watched X-Files when her father got home. We were dying by the end–God, the reboot is wonderful. And mostly we just caught… Read More

Hiding the Moon–Part 6

on January 25, 2018

So–it was Wednesday, which normally is sort of a big day for me, but it was raining and I was crampy and I sort of skipped aqua. I mean, still kids after school activities, but I have to admit, the extra time was put to good use! So, got some writing done, and since the… Read More

Brief Geoffie Story…

on January 24, 2018

There will be Hiding the Moon tomorrow, I promise, but in the meantime, I have a brief Geoffie story… So, every night when I sit and watch TV I tuck a pillow up behind my neck for comfort. Tonight, I was at my desk and Mate was still flipping through the channels and suddenly he said,… Read More

Hiding the Moon–Part 5

on January 23, 2018

So, my day was very quiet and very very non-eventful! Good day to blog just a little bit of SunFish (as a reader is calling it!) Enjoy! Hiding the Moon–Part 5 “It’s not as good as yours,” Burton blurted after his first cruller. Ernie looked up from his cream filled and grinned. “I’m good at… Read More

BUSY weekend!

on January 22, 2018

So, yesterday we… Went to Squish’s soccer game, where they got blown away. She got to play goalie for the second half–and she made some pretty awesome saves. “Hey, Squish! How do you feel about the game?” “Bruised. I feel… bruised. Went out to lunch, where Chicken got us an employee discount and she could… Read More