A Trip to the Doc’s

on January 25, 2017

I had my “lady parts” visit today– I’ve got a healthy family history, and with the exception of the weight I’m relatively healthy, so I get these about every two years.  In spite of the fact that Kaiser has been the closest thing to socialized medicine until the ACA, it’s gotten really human in the… Read More

So, what I’m trying to say is…

on January 24, 2017

There’s this sort of dance married people do sometimes. “Oh, I’m sorry dear–I’ll get the dishes.” “No, no– you’ve been cooking dinner for the last month. I’ll get them.” “But you’ve been busy with gaming and meetings and with helping Chicken with her broken car, I’ll get it.” “No, no– don’t worry. I’ll make it… Read More

MacBeth and Friday

on January 23, 2017

Today, in light of the thing that was inflicted on our nation on Friday, a lot of people were quoting George Orwell’s 1984. Now, 1984 is a favorite of mine–I used to teach a unit on that and Brave New World that I really really loved. But although those books deal with fascism and massive… Read More


on January 20, 2017

Today’s schedule: Wake up at 7:30 Take Squish to school at 8:30 Get home at 9:10 (with coffee and sausage burrito of course) Walk dogs, use the bathroom, leave at 9:50 Get to  Chicken’s at 10:15 Get Chicken to work a little bit late at 10:50 because we stopped to get her food, and she’d… Read More

Yarn Ends

on January 19, 2017

Okay– two things today, one old, one new: New: ZoomBoy has taken to calling the dogs “assles”, thinking that I won’t notice he’s really just copying ME when I call them assholes. I let him get away with it because A. Middle School, B. Mom swears all the time, what did I expect, and C…. Read More

Itsa Itsa Itsa… Dodge Caravan!

on January 18, 2017

Okay– the days have been quiet which doesn’t give me much blog-fodder, but I have a few things today. The first is I took the Odyssey in to get the back quarter repaired today–and realized I’d forgotten to reserve a rental car. I went to the rental car place–right next door to the repair shop–and… Read More

Coastal Magic

on January 17, 2017

So… I’m going to be at Coastal Magic in Daytona Beach, Florida, in a couple of weeks, and I’m excited. I’m going down a few days early, spending time with a friend who both writes and knits, and we’re going to attend a class given by Franklin Habit. Be still my heart! I can’t even… Read More

The Beat Goes On

on January 16, 2017

So… I tweeted yesterday about taking the 9 a.m. Saturday morning aqua class to try to fit some aqua in before the rain comes again. It was 35 degrees when I got ready to leave. Yeah– chilly. Now, the pool was heated– 78 degrees for aqua, it might even be 80–so the worst part was… Read More

ZoomBoy and the Dentist

on January 13, 2017

Zoomboy had a dentist appointment today– I was all over it. Was gonna take him at 10:30, get him back to school by 11:45, get to aqua right on time and BOOM. Day mastered, motherhood achieved. One or two little glitches to this plan. It started out well enough– I went to get him from… Read More


on January 12, 2017

First of all, Rhae made me mitts, because she is wonderful. They are soft and scrumptious and smell like Damascus rose. You can’t have them, They’re MINE. (Thanks Rhae!) And about the cats… The balance of power has changed here at chez Lane.  I’m trying to decide exactly how to fix things, but cats are… Read More