And then I was naked.

on November 28, 2016

 Okay– so first of all, Summer Lessons is out, and so far folks are liking it– that’s always nice to hear 🙂 Second of all, we drove up to Grass Valley for a craft fair on Saturday. Now, this was sort of funny. My stepmom was talking about a girl’s day out a few weeks… Read More

Summer Lessons and Black Friday

on November 25, 2016

So, a long time ago, back when Squish was a teeny baby, I used to go shopping on Black Friday. I had a friend who’d get me at 5 in the morning, we’d gas up on coffee and hit the stories. It was horrible. I remember once, we were at Target, and I just sort… Read More

Well, at least I cooked…

on November 24, 2016

 I am cooking for two different Thanksgivings tomorrow– there were requests made… My stepsister requested bread and German cabbage. My mom’s family requested three pies. That’s an awful lot of cooking to specific order for someone who can’t make ramen without discovering some wonderful new flavor using the spices on the back of the stove…. Read More

Hey– who ate the wool carrots?

on November 23, 2016

Or, you know– yarn barf. So, in random news today… *  Chicken’s new job is by a movie theater, and it’s $5 Tuesday. In celebration, Mate took the morning off and I took the kids (who have the day off) and we met Chicken to see Newt Scamander.  I adored it–very much.  But it does… Read More

The things you forget about birthday parties…

on November 22, 2016

*  Cleaning house is a family endeavor *  It usually lasts beyond the party *  Other people’s children are a lot louder than yours *  But sometimes a lot more fun too *  Taking middle schoolers bowling can be terrifying *  That one kid looks like he’s gonna loop the ball right into someone else’s… Read More

Scorched Haven–Finale

on November 21, 2016

Hey all! Rampant, part 2 is coming out this week, along with Summer Lessons  and Freckles is out and doing just fine. Quickening is under edit, and The Virgin Manny is all up on the website– whew. I’ve been telling you that I wrote 260,000 words in 2015 that were on a long publishing release… Read More

Chicken Night

on November 18, 2016

I didn’t mean for this to happen. I remember when I was a kid, and people used to joke about how “Monday was meatloaf night, and anything was better than meatloaf night…” Or how some families had “Taco Tuesdays”. No, I thought–anything is better than to be that predictable. Of course, that was before soccer… Read More

A Woman’s Place

on November 17, 2016

So, this is a story from my weekend– I was in Babetta’s, my Local Yarn Store, buying some lace yarn because I’m saying, PI shawls. They’re a thing.  Anyway– as I was making my purchase, aware that Mate and the kids were in the car, waiting for me, a family walked in. Indian, dressed in… Read More

Lucky 13

on November 16, 2016

So, the big kids have moved into an apartment together, and just the little kids are at home. And ZoomBoy turned 13 today. Someone remembered when the blog was just started–ten and a half years ago, a couple of months after Squish was born.  We called Squish “Ladybug” then, because of a cardigan I’d made… Read More

The Fine Line Between Yellow and Orange

on November 15, 2016

 So Freckles is out–YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!   Most of the reviews are good–not the ones posted on Amazon, but I swear, the ones excerpted under the book info are real too 😉 Most of the people who liked Freckles took one look at that adorable puppy on the box and knew what they were going to get…. Read More