

on February 22, 2017

So, back when Mate and I were working at Fridays, shoes were a problem. See, the only shoes we could afford were the ones from Target, with the plastic soles and the vinyl instep–they lasted about two months, but the next quality level up was WAY more than we could afford. Mate worked the kitchen… Read More


on February 21, 2017

Mate and I are good analyzers.  If something happens politically, we analyze the cause. If we have a disagreement about movies, we analyze our likes and dislikes to decide exactly what it was that turned one of us off and the other one on. When I was in teacher school, Analyzation was a big deal…. Read More

Shaking off the crud…

on February 20, 2017

So, shaking off the crud mostly– still tired, but at least not feeling consistently crappy.  This is a good thing, because now Mate has it, and I want him to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Before I turn the light off to go to bed! Anyway– Some fun stuff this weekend,… Read More

Overheard in my house…

on February 17, 2017

Okay– so sorry about missing last night. Mate was getting back from Portland, and, well, yes I blew off the blog to celebrate his arrival. But other than that, a few odd things have been said around here that I thought I’d share: *  After seeing a cartoon on the GIF controversy  here at THE… Read More

And That Happened…

on February 15, 2017

My fever is back just a little, because I went swimming again, but that’s not why swimming was a mistake. No, no–see, this was the first time I’d gone in about 2 1/2 weeks, almost 3. I was SO HAPPY to be at the water again.  I got there late because hey, it’s me, and… Read More

Goodbye Cruel World…

on February 14, 2017

A moment of silence for Chicken’s 2001 Chevy Impala, everybody. She’s dead, Jim.  Got a call from Chicken, right as I wrapped up my morning walk–the car had simply ceased to operate. There was the sound of rocks, and car no-go. I went to pick her up form a less-than-savory stretch of Manzanita Blvd, where… Read More

Kermit Flail–February (Little Late!– sorry!)

on February 13, 2017

*whew*  We made it to February! Okay– we made it to mid-February, but in my defense, I was away from home.   Anyway– it’s a brief (but powerful!) Kermit Flail today– I didn’t give people much warning, but the extraordinarily lovely Ms. Devon Rhodes and the ever amazing Rick R. Reed came through, and we’ve… Read More

Show Tunes

on February 13, 2017

Wow. I’m saying– that round of the sickness SUCKED. The last time I felt that gross, I wrote the scene in Winter Ball where Skipper coughed so hard on the soccer field that he threw up. Just saying. Now you know where the real comes from, right? Anyway… So, Kermit Flail is tomorrow morning, and… Read More

You know your cold is bad when…

on February 10, 2017

The clerk at Michael’s, the clerk at Rite-Aid, and the kid at Del Taco all call you “hon”… Your friend tells you a miracle cure for the crud and you cry because it means you have to go to Rite-Aid again… The dogs follow you around the house to sit on your feet… You warn… Read More

And the head cold speaketh…

on February 9, 2017

So, my trip home required four airports, three planes, and about a zillion human contacts. At one point, I was so hungry I almost got lost in O’Hare, and I vaguely remember begging a Starbucks clerk to give me a sandwich unheated, because if I didn’t eat A THING I would be doomed to wandering… Read More