
MM Memorial Day Scavenger Hunt

on June 8, 2016

Welcome to the 2nd MM Memorial Day Scavenger Hunt! 10 Days, 31 Stops, and loads of prizes! The rules are simple: At each stop on the tour you’ll find a military themed picture with a word or words. Collect the words and figure out the secret phrase (HINT: It’s lyrics to a song). Once you think… Read More

How much I love kids…

on June 8, 2016

Okay–so Chicken arrived yesterday morning, and to celebrate, we went to Target! (Yay?) Anyway, we were buying stuff for backstage mom-dom and recital rehearsal. OI. The first night is HALF the recital– so, things are amazingly rushed. I was in charge of ten little girls, all of whom needed shoes tied, and who, during dress… Read More

Short Sunday

on June 6, 2016

There shall be some Scorched Haven sometime this next week–sorry about the skipped weekend, though, it’s been a little busy. For those of you who have been here through the long haul, it’s recital season, and once again, Chicken, Mate, and I have volunteered to help. Tomorrow Chicken is arriving and she’s staying the two… Read More

An Amy Fable

on June 4, 2016

A Fable Aesop Didn’t Write Does everybody remember Aesop? He worked for a king who liked to behead people at the drop of a hat, as an advisor. So, worst job ever. And sometimes, in order to give advice, he would tell a story—a fable—and if the king liked the advice, the king would take… Read More

A Dancing Asshole King

on June 3, 2016

Big T came up to me as I was writing today–so I wasn’t in the best “real time” frame of mind. “Mom, what was that song you sang to me and Chicken when we were little?” “Which one? Was it this one?” “No, not that one.” “Was it this one?” “No, it was the other… Read More

Bridge of Karma

on June 2, 2016

So, even though my daughter and I are mostly pagan and my husband and son are mostly agnostic, I’ve told my kids as they’ve grown to respect faith. Be kind to the faithful. You can despise dogma all you want–dogma is the language of the persecutors, the power hungry, the abusers looking for an excuse… Read More

How Not to Write an E-mail

on June 1, 2016

Heya, K– Yes, I adore that show too, do you own the second sea– “Mom, do we have cookies tonight?” “Yes, but not before dinner.” “Can you cook us dinner?” “Sure, in a second.” “What’s for dinner?” “Spaghetti–“ “Red or white?” “White but I need to–“ “Do you want me to get the water started?”… Read More

The Wrong Way to Cook

on May 31, 2016

Long day, really. Got up, took Geoffie to the doc for her checkup (she is, as the doc said, disgustingly healthy. All she’s got to worry about is some itchy skin and an underbite, so basically she’s me as a teenager.)  Then I took the kids to the pool while I did my early aqua… Read More

Movie Saturday

on May 29, 2016

Okay– I’ll be honest. I caught up with a LOT of work tonight–editing for Rampant as well as writing– but what also happened is what Mate calls “Movie Saturday”– which is sort of exactly what it sounds like. Today, we were lucky–it feels like you actually do something when you go to the movies. “Hurray!… Read More

I Am the Walrus?

on May 27, 2016

A. Those shooting pains in  my kneecap were arthritis. I can now say I have it. The stuff that felt like tendonitis in the IT band was tendonitis in the IT band. *bows* You’re welcome. B. When asked if I used the nighttime pain relief I was prescribed yesterday, I replied, “No, because going to… Read More