
Blondies and Idots

on January 7, 2016

Okay– So, when I was teaching, we used to have to make kids read out loud at the beginning of the year, mostly to just get a bead on how fluent they were at reading. Sometimes this really helped– the kids who flat out couldn’t keep up could, at a decent school, get help, and… Read More

On Sales and Selfie

on January 6, 2016

Hi all! So, I’ve been in the writing and editing cave, finishing up on Fish Out of Water– this is going to be a first for me folks, because I’ve just committed to doing at least four books– one a year– on the same couple. As in not “oh, I’ve been planning on it!” as… Read More

*Kermit Flail* New Year’s Style– January 2016

on January 4, 2016

YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! Hello, all, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am super excited about this New Year– of course, being old, I’m excited because I hope it’s a little less exciting than last year. *whew*  I’m still tired!   Anyway–this was a fun *Kermit Flail* because I put out the all-call and got a HUGE response, and… Read More

Happy New Years 2016

on January 1, 2016

So, one of Mate’s New Year’s Eve Traditions is to watch the thin Man movies back to back until the dark hours of the morning. This year, he watched them as well, and Zoomboy and Squish came to love them, just like Chicken had before him. And this year, Ted Turner came on during an… Read More

A Momentary Rant about Knitting

on December 31, 2015

So here’s the thing about knitting… Today, I neglected my house, my shopping, and even my job a little, to sit and watch television and knit. I was making a project for someone who had asked for it, and she had offered money. I refused. Because– I make money at my job. When I take… Read More

Exclusive Cover Reveal: Lollipop

on December 30, 2015

Out January 25th: Lollipop A Candy Man Book by Amy Lane Ezra Kellerman flew across country to see if he had another chance with the man he let slip through his fingers. He didn’t. Rico has moved on, but he doesn’t just leave his ex high and dry. Instead, Rico entrusts his family and friends… Read More


on December 29, 2015

 So, my children, once upon a time, before Squish and Zoomboy, mommy lost her job because Big T cried so very much, and he and Daddy, Mommy and Chicken all ended up living on a stretch of property in the middle of nowhere. It looks very picturesque I know, but–yes. It’s cold in here. Yes,… Read More

A Last Wave at Santa

on December 28, 2015

Hey, all– Yes, we’re all a little grumpy and the work madness starts tomorrow. Chicken and her father leave tomorrow, and Mate is flying back up on the 29th. It’s sad to watch the holidays close, but it’s been a lovely, peaceful time, and I’m grateful. Anyway– I thought I’d share this pic– it’s probably… Read More

Happy Solstice/Merry Christmas/Winter Holiday Madness HUZZAH!

on December 25, 2015

So Mate and Chicken arrived last night– I greeted them with food and hugs and conversation– and Mate fell promptly asleep at nine o’clock. Now, Mate usually wraps the presents, but this year he fetched the Chicken, and so, as my own sort of present, I wanted to wrap all the presents FOR him. It… Read More

Winter Ball

on December 24, 2015

* Note– I may not blog tomorrow night, or I may blog about Christmas, so this is my intro for Winter Ball, which is available Midnight, December 24th. Enjoy! *  *  * A couple of weeks ago, when the excerpt was posted for Winter Ball on ARe, someone complained (they even tagged it on ARe,… Read More