Working like a bondsman…

on November 21, 2011

Okay– first of all, does everybody know what that means?  That it refers back to the time when the country was using indentured bondsmen (and women) to do all the hard shit, people who had literally bartered years of their lives in return for passage and room and board?  I used it in a work,… Read More

Saturday Snark Again

on November 19, 2011

It’s once again time for Saturday Snark on Marie Sexton’s blog, and for the first time I KEENLY felt the lack of my old hard drive, because I had the cover art for this book on it, and I REALLY liked the cover art for Making Promises.  Mikhail looked JUST as adorable, snarky, and arrogant on that… Read More

Pure Concentrated Eevoll

on November 17, 2011

Okay, so this is the time of year when the grade school petrie dish overruns with nasty squiggly little rhinovirus and other ghoulies, and, well, I’m afraid that petrie dish just exploded in my head. And my lungs. And my sinuses. And generally any part of my body that has to function on a regular… Read More

It Didn’t All Happen At The Zoo

on November 14, 2011

Zoomboy turns eight on Tuesday, but this weekend was his “party day.”  Last year we did the Chuck E. Cheese thing–but I didn’t want to do that this year.  For one thing, it’s expensive, and for another?  Zoomboy really only has a few good friends.  He relates to one or two kids really well, but… Read More

A Little Blather With Your Snark

on November 12, 2011

Hey Guys– sorry I’ve been so out of the loop!  The kids had two days off–and that doesn’t go as easily as it used to, and seriously–catching up on two weekends away in such quick succession– wow.  WILL catch up with everyone’s blogs tomorrow–I miss you all, and you know it!  Uhm, Zoomboy’s birthday is… Read More

It’s Not Shakespeare

on November 9, 2011

It’s Not Shakespeare is out! Of course, I wrote my best post for this Monday, mostly because I was waxing rhapsodic and going all verklempt about Mate (as I should!) but I thought I’d give it a little introduction today as well.   See, the thing is, I wrote REALLY intense for a while.  (For the… Read More

Writer Down!

on November 7, 2011

Okay, not at the moment.  At the moment, writer up!  Writer well rested!  Writer not in too much pain! But Friday night, after a day on the con floor at Bascon, I was texting and walking, when it is a well known fact that I have problems doing EITHER of those actions well independently, and… Read More


on November 2, 2011

Okay, so Halloween was VERY fun.  Chicken’s coach relented at the last possible moment, and Chicken got to wear her steampunk outfit–self assembled from various Renaissance Faires and anime festivals.  Of course because I’m an idiot, I didn’t get a picture, which was a real shame, because she was charming.   Her friend came over,… Read More

You’ll never guess what day it is!!!

on October 31, 2011

Believe it or not, Big T carved that pumpkin this weekend–I was so pleased, especially since we’d sort of agreed that we weren’t getting real pumpkins this year.  Mate had carved some fake ones last year, and they’re sweet and sort of goofy and everything, and really, isn’t that the purpose of fake pumpkins?  But… Read More

A Little Snark from Alpha

on October 29, 2011

In honor of Marie Sexton’s Saturday Snark, I’m going to do a little bit of snark from A Solid Core of Alpha.  Now, Alpha does not have a whole lot of light moments–but this one is is a doozy.  C.J. and his sister Cassie have had a rough day of watching Anderson’s life unspool via… Read More