Spoiled? Not Sos You’d Notice

on April 5, 2011

OK. When I started this blog, my Squishy (also known as Ladybug) looked something like this. After a year or so, she’d mellowed, allowed a little more of her true world domination power to escape, and had barely grown some hair: A year after that, there was more hair, an intense knowledge of the power… Read More


on April 1, 2011

Okay– not just writing, but also working out, ignoring the shitpile my house has become, and getting my ass liberally kicked by springtime, which sprang on us like a jungle cat on an obese, out-of shape opossum, waddling through the pollen encrusted grass on the way to the water-aerobics hole. Today, I had an errand… Read More

@#%%$# Camera Cord

on March 30, 2011

I actually HAVE pictures of the kids, being fricking ADORABLE, but since I can’t find the camera cord, and I’ve been editing not one but THREE Green’s Hill novellas for production (okay– only Little Goddess fans buy these, right? NO one else will understand them! Just saying!) I thought I’d give you a picture of… Read More

A little vodka, a little Gin…

on March 27, 2011

So, Mate and I went out on Friday night– casino style. *snicker* yeah- that sounds all badass and hot, I knowsit, but Mate’s job had a soiree– I love the way his job does the soiree thing. It’s all free (including desserts that I would kill you for, BEFORE I died in heaven while eating… Read More

Originally Untitled!

on March 25, 2011

Okay, so my knitting photography has never been the best–I’ll just stick with Squish’s expression here and call it good. It’s a wrap, worked side to side, with a cable at the top and one on the bottom, and (this part’s hard to see!) three medallion cables worked in the center. I’m about done with… Read More

Twenty-one minutes to breathe…

on March 23, 2011

Okay– I had two deadlines in one week. I had to have The Locker Room edited by Friday and a selection of blurbs in by tomorrow, and because I’m an idjit and do shit bass-frickin-ackwards, I started the editing first and then elected to do the blurbs second. *facepalm* DOH! Anyway, let’s just say I… Read More

Pardon Me While I Bow in Joss Whedon’s Direction

on March 21, 2011

Sort of random various shit to report, but first things first: * Yes, I totally had my ass kicked in Round 2 of DU BWAHA. I Was not expecting the round to start that night (because there was something else on the site that said they weren’t voting again until the 19th) and suddenly, voila!… Read More

St. Patty’s Day and random chickens

on March 18, 2011

(EEEK! ROUND 2 STARTED TONIGHT AT 12 AM CST! VOTE HERE!!!) Zoomboy has been looking forward to St. Patrick’s Day for WEEKS. He painted a little pressboard chest all gold, and put jewel stickers all over it, with some shamrocks on the side, and then filled it with fake gold and little shamrock shaped emeralds… Read More


on March 17, 2011

Round one is over and I’m still standing! And tomorrow, I will post a date and time, so that you all can help me so that Josh Lanyon does not kick my ass too hard. (Keeping Promise Rock will be up against Fair Game in the next bracket. Josh. Lanyon. *swoon*) Anyway– I may have… Read More


on March 16, 2011

Okay– I’ll be honest. I’m not expecting to make it much past round one, but I’m SO grateful for the people who nominated me, and excited and just, really really amped! to be on the nominee list, that I’ll shamelessly beg for some votes anyway:-) I’m actually in the second set of votes– so, Round… Read More