Upon Being a Weenie

on February 19, 2011

SERIOUSLY nothing to report here, except it’s raining. It’s raining, and that gazunga car bill did NOT go toward fixing our air conditioner, which means there’s no defrog, and every trip I take in the car is a nightmare of wiping off the inside windshield and trying to put together the road in front of… Read More

Mordred’s Lullaby

on February 16, 2011

My current songworm is posted below– it’s called Mordred’s Lullaby and it’s by Heather Dale, and I used the Prince Nuada clip just because it’s really frickin’ creepy. Anyway, the song is about how Morgause shaped her son (and pretty much ruined him) from birth by whispering terrible, insidious things to him as he slept…. Read More

The Day of Love

on February 14, 2011

So, business first, Truth in the Dark was awarded that purty little button fromJoyfully Reviewed — I’m so very proud! And, I’m not sure I posted these here–I put them up on Facebook, but not here: These are from Love Romance Cafe for Keeping Promise Rock–the Runner Up is for best contemporary, and the Winner… Read More

Building a World in One Million Words

on February 10, 2011

Okay—so Yearning is available today and I’m really sort of nervous. See, the thing is, the cover SAYS it’s Book 1 of the Green’s Hill Werewolves. (Yay!) But everyone’s going to think that makes it, you know, Book the First. And it is. But it’s not. And that’s where things get tricky. Seven years ago… Read More

Odd Duck Out

on February 10, 2011

I’ve said it before, Zoomboy is such an odd little duckling, that sometime he just about breaks my heart. Last night, after an OMG *exhausting* day that involved two trips to the pharmacy, $1200 worth of bad car news, and a meeting with my son’s teacher that I’d forgotten about twice and that STILL didn’t… Read More

Oh Mummy!

on February 8, 2011

Zoomboy is assigned 20 minutes of reading every day. He’s supposed to read to us, but seriously? Twenty minutes of quiet in our house? When Mom’s not making dinner, coaching teenagers, or out buying snack? So we told him to read to his sister. And she sits there and listens. So what are they reading… Read More

Nothing to Report

on February 6, 2011

I’m so depressed! I actually had a real picture– a GOOD one… one of the cat laying on Squish who was laying on Chicken–it was awesome and precious and now I can’t find my phone. *grumble* Frickin’ technology. Sometimes me hates it. Anyway… next week, we’re going to be neck deep in the cover picture… Read More


on February 4, 2011

Mary (who loves me more than I could possibly deserve but I’m not complaining!) sent me a Wiccan desk calendar for 2011, and I’m loving it very very much. One of the interesting things that I noticed is that yesterday was Imbolc. It was also Groundhog Day and St. Brigid’s day, but since Groundhog Day… Read More

Beowulf, Knitting, and ADHD

on February 1, 2011

OKay, this is weird–it’s only happened to me a couple of times. It’s what I call “complete blankout” and it’s the reason that, not once but TWICE during college, I sat through an entire conversation in which someone broke up with me and still imagined that we were together. (Fortunately, not much time had been… Read More

Of Calendars and Keys

on January 30, 2011

So, I’ve been lucky enough to be home this last month, and the subject of ‘word count’ came up. How many words can you write in a certain space of time. Well, I was appalled, because novel wise, I’d only written around 55K–and usually, even with the EDJ and soccer/dance/karate oh-my, my word count is… Read More