LOL indeed….

on March 12, 2010

Chicken is on a school field trip to go look at colleges (which we will never be able to afford, but that’s another story…) Anyway, she was texting her dad the other night (because mom’s phone hasn’t seen daylight nor charger in months!) and the following conversation happened. Chicken: Someone stole my camera. Dad: That… Read More


on March 10, 2010

Or I guess I should say ‘Showertime!’ since our bathroom is still (!!!) under construction. (But getting closer every day–honest! Seriously–I can see daylight in this matter!!!) Anyway, Squish has come down with a case of pee-pee irritation–it basically means she can’t hold her pee-pee for squat, and is going through clothes like you wouldn’t… Read More

It wasn’t a gold statue…

on March 8, 2010

But my mom gave Mate and I the night off by taking the kids on Saturday, and it was damned close! Woot! We went out to dinner, skipped the movie, and commenced the quality mom & dad time. One word. Two syllables. AWESOME. My stepmom had a moment though. She was trying to explain how… Read More

Two Worlds Collide

on March 5, 2010

You knew it was going to happen. It’s happened before, but usually not because of a slip of the tongue, and it happened again. My day job and my moonlighting job clashed badly. The good news was, no one who heard it happen knew it for what it was. The word was ‘turgid’ (okay– yeah,… Read More

It’s a drive by blogging…

on March 4, 2010

OKay… I had a long post, all self indulgent and shit, whining about reviews again, but even *I* got tired of that crap, so it never saw the light of day. And then Mate took my computer during prime blogging time to fix it–or to put a new keyboard on it–so I don’t really have… Read More

Yeah, but what does that mean in sales?

on March 1, 2010

I love getting good reviews–I’m really happy with the good professional reviews. But I have NO idea how that translates into things like marketability or sales or telling people who said they wanted to be my agent and then changed their minds “Hey–you were so wrong you made a thumb up your ass look right!”… Read More

(little squee…)

on February 28, 2010

It’s always nice when someone likes you:-)

Filking Internet…

on February 27, 2010

Oh give me blog lots of blog with my options all above…Don’t net me in.Give me blog lots of blog chatting w/people that I love…Don’t net me in.You can meet knitters all on twitter and their tweets are sort of neatAnd buy vegetables on Facebook with pictures that are sweetBut for networking my people whom… Read More

Short and Groggy

on February 25, 2010

Have I mentioned the tired thing? You know it’s funny, because on Sunday, I got up to go be a productive citizen, got out of the shower, barely got dressed, crawled back in bed and slept for two hours. When I got up from that, I curled up in chair and knit while Mate went… Read More

Because You All Asked Nicely

on February 22, 2010

Here it is–in crappy color because I couldn’t find the camera (sorry!) but the ass-kicking-nightmare in pink! (Heretofore known as ‘the Valentine Sweater). And now, here’s one with her brother in the foreground, so you can get that whole ‘drunken leprechaun’ thing going on at our house at any given time: The yarn is Paton’s… Read More