A Filk of Celebraton

on February 21, 2010

To the tune of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ (I’m not insane I’m not insane I’m not insane I’m not insane…) In the brainpan, the damaged brainpan, The dragon sleeps tonight…Oh in the brainpan, the damaged brainpan,The dragon sleeps tonight… Who-eeee…. the sequel to Promises is done… Hush my darling, and sleep my darlingThe dragon sleeps… Read More

Back, damn you, back!

on February 18, 2010

Okay– I told myself I would never again let the dragon get me by the throat the way it did with Promise Rock. I only narrowly kept that promise with Making Promises. The dragon is sneaky. The dragon gnaws away at my knitting time and builds up crap on the kitchen table. The dragon scares… Read More

Lotsa Little Things

on February 16, 2010

It was a long, slow weekend– just the way I like them. Mate and I got to go out to Dinner and a Movie–it was awesome, although Mate called a moratorium on all movie knitting. It was sort of a shame–I could have finished a hat–but then, Mate and I couldn’t have held hands during… Read More

To Chicken With Love

on February 13, 2010

Okay, one of my clear memories of childhood goes like this: My grandparents used to take their kids to Lake Shasta all the time to go water skiing and camping–one year, my mom and I went with them. My mom’s younger sisters and brother were still living at home, then, and the lot of us… Read More

Bullet points…

on February 12, 2010

* Supernatural rocked tonight. Just saying. Poor Dean…. be still my beating heart. * I took a crappy two hour nap on the chair this afternoon. The kids are getting WAY too big to sit on me when i do this. Too many elbows and knees for anybody’s comfort. * I’m almost done with the… Read More

sawmees and goats

on February 8, 2010

Okay– so I whined a bit about being in a piss-bitchy mood yesterday and then went back to write. I woke up this morning, and it hit me like a big scaly monster with wings: I’ve been riding the goddamned dragon. No WONDER I’m sleep deprived. No WONDER I’m punky. I’m writing–my brain is in… Read More


on February 6, 2010

Okay–took Chicken in to the doctors to get a skin tag removed–the tank on the Liquid Nitrogen tank leaked, and she ended up with a three by two burn blister on her neck. The doctor was hella embarrassed, but I kept asking Chicken, “Why didn’t you SAY anything?” “I don’t know. It just felt a… Read More

Fun small stuff…

on February 4, 2010

Okay– first of all, I took the kids to the doctor’s today, just to make sure they were all growing fine. They were, although the doctor told me delicately that Squish couldn’t get much squishier or that would be a wee bit dangerous, and I said, “Fine, no more cookies!” and Squish said, “But I… Read More


on February 2, 2010

* Okay, the other night, I was wearing one of my Little Goddess promotional T-shirts, and we learned how well Zoomboy can read. “Ba-ack… back oooffff. Th…the man go-ds arrrrrrrrrrre miiiinnne. Cause there’s an e on the end, right? So your T-shirt says, Back Off. The man-gods are mine! Is that right mom? I read… Read More