I’d like to hear less about me…

on January 13, 2010

But I can’t. I agreed to do an interview for The Indie Times (link to follow when the interview comes out) but through a series of computer mishaps (not mine, for once) I ended up getting three pages of interview questions this afternoon, and having the option of returning them tonight so the interview’s release… Read More

It’s Not Amazon.com…

on January 13, 2010

Yet.. Rampant: The fourth book of the Little Goddess I’ll let you know when it’s on amazon–but in the meantime, lookee… It’s my book! (When it hits amazon.com, we’ll say the prayer again, just for good measure:-) Edited to add: And the e-book will be online soon, both here and on the kindle, and the… Read More

Random Shit

on January 12, 2010

Okay–just gonna ramble on, with asterisks. It makes the blathering look organized: * Took the teenagers to an anime con yesterday. It was a whole lot of fun–and we met the guy who did storyboarding designs for Batman Beyond, Static Shock, Teen Titans, ad infinitum. I tried not to drool over him–for one thing, he… Read More

Cohabitating with a dragon…

on January 10, 2010

I thought I was doing a good job of it, actually, until I took around and it was eleven thirty and not only had I not blogged myself but I hadn’t checked anybody ELSE’S blog, and everyone was asleep and the house was a disaster, and I’ve got one (count it) day until I have… Read More


on January 8, 2010

It’s up it’s up it’s up it’s up! Okay– so it’s not AVAILABLE until January 18th– and it will probably be another week or so before it hits amazon.com… but it’s up on the ‘Coming Soon’ and Deacon is just SOOOOOOOO purty, and I’m so excited… And since it’s up, and it’s not all a… Read More

A little fiber miracle

on January 6, 2010

Okay… has anyone else succumbed to this little ploy? I brought Squish to the yarn store this Saturday, and she was actually pretty well behaved. (I need to remember this because she’s been a poster child for children’s straitjackets ever since.) Anyway, she went touring the digs and impressed a couple of people– one notable… Read More


on January 4, 2010

Everybody goes back to school this morning except me and Squish. Not to sound like too much of a curmudgeon, but it really is ‘the most wonderful time/of the year!’ Seriously, I look forward to this week. There are no obligations (okay–we’ve got an orthodontist appointment at 4:15–I forgot about that.) There are no Christmas… Read More

More Letters To the Ether..

on January 1, 2010

To my darling daughter– I’m sorry the bands on the Rose Bowl parade were not as exciting to you as they were to us. And forgive us for the miscommunication–honey, we didn’t know you expected to see “Martians” there. We were only looking at the “marching” bands. Love Mama, who used to be in a… Read More

Snippets of Nothing

on December 30, 2009

1. I’m working on Making Promises (sequel to Promise Rock) right now. I’m dying to finish Jack & Teague, and I have an idea for a hot little novella, but right now, Mikhail is BREAKING MY FREAKING HEART. Anyone out there know anything about Russian endearments and swear words? I feel the need to have… Read More