Remember That Prayer Again Folks?

on December 12, 2009

Okay– this is my cover art. January release date. Holy Goddess, Merciful God, REALLY let it not suck! (I’ve got a whole real blog with some funny stuff in it, but this was sort of exciting!)

Blogging with a monkey on my back…

on December 10, 2009

Uhm, yeah. Pretty much why this post ain’t gonna be that long, folks! She’s up and it’s ten-ta-eleven. Shit. BTW– do any of you watch Glee? If you do, WIN!!!! Just sayin’… This one’s for Julie for no other reason than she likes Phineas and Ferb and she probably REALLY needs something to smile at… Read More


on December 8, 2009

OKay– that’s mostly a wish. I got my editing done–yay! and am now looking at a long stretch of finals and correcting papers and generally throwing myself into the dayjob. It was funny– after hearing rather cynically about the young teachers and their ‘successes’ I had a good day teaching today. We’re doing The Crucible–I’ll… Read More

Some Shit I Forgot To Mention

on December 6, 2009

* I’m in editing hell. * At first it was editing heaven–you guys saw that part. Then I realized that I was so busy popping little blue editing balloons, I’d forgotten to hit the ‘track changes’ button. * I realized this on page 200 of 332 pages. I am now on page 240, after redoing… Read More

Picture Mate ‘Here’

on December 4, 2009

“Okay guys… some bad news. It’s picture day. Not in the library, no. We’re gonna go home, get Big T and go to Wal-Mart. The one in Roseville. I think. Okay, one of the ones in Roseville. I’m not sure which one. Yeah, Chicken, you can wear that. Yeah Ladybug, we’ll get you a Christmas… Read More

Hi Grilltech!

on December 2, 2009

Do you forgive me now? Besides, Supernatural reruns aren’t until January… that’s a long time to hold a grudge, my man! You’ll have to forgive me all– I’m so tickled about If I Must but at the same time I’m in editing hell. Okay. Not hell. I’ve got to tell you, the editors at Dreamspinner… Read More

“if I Must”

on December 1, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen (I know there is at least ONE gentleman out there! Hi, Eric!) I present to you all, the first book I’ve ever sold that I haven’t had to publish myself. Okay–it’s short. It’s a novella. But you have to admit… the kitten is damned cute:-) If I Must –if any of you… Read More

A touch of rugrat…

on November 30, 2009

Okay– I’ve got some decent kid stories–the hard part is remembering them! Hmmm… Funniest first: We went to see Trans-Siberian-Orchestra last night–it was nine buckets of awesome and one bucket of “Dammit, does Arco Arena have to have THE must uncomfortable seats on the planet?” Stepmom bought tickets for Mate & me & the big… Read More

I am Eggplant

on November 28, 2009

Okay–it was great in a ‘strategy planned like a military general’ kind of way. We took two cars because we agreed to pick up and drop off Alexa (my biological mom) and if we had all gone in one car, it would have meant the kids would have been hauled around for more than 120… Read More

Happy Thanksgiving!

on November 25, 2009

Tomorrow I shall probably meditate on things to be grateful for–and it will last all day. (It’s easier to meditate on a full stomach–but I think I’d believe it anyway, just sitting on the couch w/kids on my lap.) Anyway, I am actually still sick (blargh) but the only thing really left of the flu… Read More