Going but not flowing…

on October 17, 2009

*Yawn* Okay… my eyeball is throbbing with exhaustion again… oi! But a good night’s sleep is hard to track down with a spear, isn’t it? So I’ve been thinking about the suggestions for the lexicon yesterday, and have come to a couple of conclusions. A. As much as I loved Master Clorklish and Twilight and… Read More

Character Lexicon

on October 15, 2009

OKay–I know, this is two blogs in one night and the other one ain’t short. But I was asked to do a ‘Character Lexicon’–and I kept wondering if had all the characters on the list that I needed. And then I thought, “Well, why don’t I ask the people who know?” So here’s my character… Read More

Still employed…

on October 14, 2009

Thanks to all of you who expressed concern over my job with that last post. Frankly? It hadn’t even occurred to me that my job was at risk. Now, this could be the pinnacle of dumbassery on my part, but I’ll give you my line of reasoning (applied retroactively on my part, of course) as… Read More

The Seduction of Marcus Brutus

on October 11, 2009

Okay—I’ll admit it. My colleague was drunk and I was sleep deprived, but the conversation over post-graduation beers hasn’t left me alone. The two main conspirators in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar have a relationship rife with subtext—and very little of it is platonic. Brutus’ introversion and Cassius’ sly venom have all the hallmarks of a dysfunctional… Read More


on October 9, 2009

The stories aren’t available separately until December first, but until then, I thought I’d point out that *woot* I’m somewhere in the middle!

Rampant Filking

on October 9, 2009

OKay– I admit–I’ve cut and pasted this one from an entry I made on the amazon.com forum, but I went back and re-read it and it was fun, so I thought I’d share. Here’s the plot of ‘Rampant’ to ‘Let it rock!’ (For the Supernatural video with this song on it, visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3VVNbbSjDs ) You… Read More

yeah yeah… *whine*

on October 8, 2009

Okay–inspired by Kiss My Frog Kate (lovely woman!) I was going to write that Brutus/Cassius slashfic because, well, it would be a whole lot of fun! Alas, real life intruded–I got my galleys for ‘If I Must’ and OI! have my editors served me well in the past! It’s just so embarrassing pulling up my… Read More

Baby dragon or dragon shit…

on October 5, 2009

I don’t know–but Dreamspinner has the manuscript, they still don’t seem to hate me although I tend to just stumble into protoc-walls left and right… (I’m trying that one for a laugh again–if I don’t get it, I’ll assume it’s a bad idea, just in general…) and I’ve been accused of having a “very pretty… Read More

I’m not dead yet…

on October 4, 2009

Oi! Busy. Just flat out busy. Want proof? Howzabout a schedule… Monday–BoneDaddy’s soccer practiceTuesday–Ladybug’s dance practice & Chicken’s soccer practiceWednesday–BoneDaddy’s soccer practice, Big T’s karateThursday–Chicken’s Soccer Practice, Big T’s karateFriday–BoneDaddy’s soccer gameSaturday–Ladybug & BoneDaddy’s gymnastics & Chicken’s soccer game *Whew* Of course, the last five weeks have been a little more complicated than that. We’ve… Read More

Happy Birthday to Me (and Mate:-)

on October 2, 2009

Okay. I’ll admit. Yesterday sucked. I mean, as far as birthdays go, it was a ‘wake me up and let me know when it’s over’ sort of moment. How did it suck? Shall I count the ways? 1. I got stuck in lockdown with my 2nd period class. They wouldn’t shut up. I got a… Read More