Just a snippet from the household…

on August 5, 2009

Chicken had a toy that Ladybug wanted. “I want it I want it! Give it to me! I’m a girl!” Chicken and I exchanged glances–oh really? “Knock it off, Ladybug–you don’t have any feminine wiles!” Chicken retorted, rolling her eyes. She pronounced it ‘willies’–you know, to be cute? Neither of us were prepared for the… Read More

This Summer’s It LIst

on August 3, 2009

1. The people who published my dirty quickie in their newsletter. 2. The dirtiest song I’ve ever heard. 3. Likin’ Park & Supernatural 4. This thing that’s kept my children quietly occupied for hours. 5. Galad who helped me edit Changing and assures me that with a little tweaking, it will NOT suck. (And who… Read More

I left my hat…

on August 2, 2009

In San Francisco… Okay, seriously, NONE of us left our hats there–are you kidding? I just finished the Cave Troll’s in the car on the way to the city! (Sadly, Mate’s was only partly done by the end of the day, but since I started it after Cave Troll’s was done, I figure I’m still… Read More

Why I treasure my beta readers–

on July 30, 2009

With apologies to Littlewitch, she just sent me the following e-mail: Within a couple of paragraphs I got “like diaper ointment of my chafed mental ass” and “slicker than lube on a chrome anal probe” and I thought “I was a little surprised by the first and the second just upped the ante” But then… Read More

Books, glorious books!

on July 30, 2009

I knew it would happen… I just waited for the dragon to calm down, get over his usual tizzy fit and start pacing his cave and gnawing on human limbs in distraction. And then… and then… Someone else’s dragon moved in. *happy sigh* It’s a good dragon… fierce and full of snarky narration, terrible angst,… Read More

More randomness…

on July 28, 2009

Seriously– it’s like the impending doom of school (August 6th is when I go back on my own time, August 7th when I get paid, and August 10th when I start seen goombahs for real) is squishing all the wittiness right out of my skull. All I’ve got are random bits of summer as it… Read More

Upon Being Horton…

on July 25, 2009

It’s going to be random thoughts today. I keep thinking I’ve got some REALLY FUNNY STUFF to blog, and then I sit down to work on Jack & Teague and all personal shit goes bye-bye. I think my gray matter is damaged… uhm, anybody shocked? I didn’t think so. So, random thoughts… let’s fire ’em… Read More

Slime Story

on July 23, 2009

Today, after soccer/karate/etc., I complained about slugs. I’ve been seeing trails all over the house, and then, last night when i went to the bathroom, I stepped on TWO of them. *ooogie ooogie ooogie ooogie ooogie oogie* Of course, what I actually said was, “I stepped on them. They were LODGED IN THE CREASES OF… Read More

Fucking dragon…

on July 23, 2009

Okay, so NOW the dragon shuts up? That fucker has been roaring in my ear for WEEKS. Seriously… finished RAMPANT, knocked out a 17,000 words for dreamspinner, and jump right into Jack and Teague… and I’m stoked, right? FINALLY Katy gets a little, uhm, satisfaction in this segment, and I’m happy, right? And there they… Read More