The Dragon in My Blood

on April 6, 2009

Madeleine Urban (bless her!) posted a most awesome poem about writing on and although she claimed it was ‘SOOOO EMO’ me likey so much I had to join in the fun. I mean what the hell– isn’t it National Poetry Month, right? The Dragon in My Blood Bastard child of reading and dreaming and… Read More

Happy Birthday Squishy Belle

on April 5, 2009

She is three. Because we forgot the camera, I shall have to content myself with downloading our most recent picture for the hell of it (which didn’t download–I’ll try again this evening), but you’ve all seen her–she’s stunning at three. (I can say this, because she looks less like me and more like Mate than… Read More

A Life In Stories

on April 3, 2009

Wow–you guys REALLY liked the me-me– thanks for everyone’s response, it was REALLY fun to read other people’s! And now, on my 600th blog post (yup… you read that right…) I have some stories to tell you about stories. Tonight I put together a little ‘traveling birthday party’ for Ladybug to take to day-care. She… Read More

Me-me synesthesia

on April 1, 2009

Okay– we haven’t had a good me-me circulate in AGES. As I was walking tonight, I started to think up a good, short, goofy me-me, and it turned out to be an AWESOME exercise in making me see what was best about my day–I’ll try to share the coolness as I show you the me-me…. Read More

Bloggage: Now with synthetic fiber content

on March 29, 2009

Okay– I’m actually crocheting an acrylic baby blanket. With every stitch I feel deeply that my conversion to wool was the just and right thing to do. How can I, in good conscience, abduct live dead dinosaurs from their psychotropic home in dye-land, when I know that there are sheep, suffering in the summer, because… Read More

What about me?

on March 29, 2009

The Cave Troll saw Ladybug’s picture and asked ‘What about me?’– so here’s his ‘What about me’ picture:-) (A good writing weekend–a bad weekend for sleeping. I’ll give you some real bloggage later;-)


on March 27, 2009

(Is she still blathering on about fanfic? Uhm, yes. ‘Fraid so. For the love of God, can’t we make her stop? Tell some kid stories, talk about knitting, give us an update on rampant… ANYTHING besides this crap again? Don’t worry–I think she’s winding down. Thank the Goddess. I’d KILL for a anecdote about an… Read More

In Defense of Fanfic

on March 25, 2009

Okay–I warned you it was coming, but I have to say, you all egged me on. See, the thing is, I mentioned fanfiction, and I got a whole lot of people saying, “Yeah–I wrote that.” Some of them even said, “I’ve been writing fanfic since I was a kid.” And an even bigger batch of… Read More


on March 23, 2009

Okay– I was going to post a link here that showed me, on a flyer, for an author talk at the Fair Oaks public library–but I can’t get the @#$%%# link to work. Suffice it to say the picture is the same one you’ve all seen a dozen times, but the flyer describes someone much… Read More

I <3 My IPOD

on March 23, 2009

Oh i-Pod, dear i-PodCompact magic boxHow can I compare theeYou’re as good as socks!You read my mind trulyYou seem to know whenI need to rock outOr to chill and zenYour programming is geniusAnd genius it knowsWhich songs play with which onesAnd where they all go Oh i-Pod, dear i-PodYour taste is divineYeah, there’s some kid’s… Read More