If you see the signal…

on August 6, 2008

Attention everybody: I”m about to get locked into a mini-van for long stretches of time with two high school students, two pre-schoolers, and a surly mate. Should I actually be able to contact you with a cry for help, send motrin, ex-lax, diet-coke and percoset to an undisclosed location in the moral wilds of so-cal… Read More

A friendly warning

on August 4, 2008

Should any of you accidentally inhale toxic mold spores from alien foot-fungus buried for years in stacks of cocaine marinating in pig urine, and think you may yield to the temptation to see “Chimps in Space”, do yourself a favor: Shoot yourself now. The death will be quicker and cleaner, and odds are good the… Read More

This & Thats…

on August 2, 2008

Thing the first: Ladybug speaketh–she says, “Crap”, “Damn” and “Shit”. At first we thought she was babbling, but once we figured out what it was she was saying, Mate was jumping up and down with agitation. “See!” He crowed. “The little shit’s been cursing at me for WEEKS!” Thing the second: I’m done with the… Read More

Who’s the real me?

on August 2, 2008

First of all–thank you. Thank you all–I was so shaken by Marvin’s death, and I know it’s going to sneak up and chomp on my ass every now and then–especially when school starts. But you all were wonderful–I could feel the good wishes, and it meant the world to me. Next– some fun I snarfled… Read More


on August 1, 2008

Holy gods,” Aerk said into the sudden silence, “Did you see his…” and then the rest of the men filled in the blank at the exact same moment. “Scars?” From Keon, with a raised eyebrow.“Income!” Said Dimitri, impressed.“Muscles!” Exclaimed Marv and Jino in jealous tandem. They fenced a lot and were proud of the breadth… Read More

Blogging is the ultimate evil?

on July 31, 2008

No, no, no–that’s BLOGGER is the ultimate evil. Lewis Black got it wrong. Seriously–I’m listening to Lewis Black right now, doing his ‘versus’ program which is really pretty fucking hilarious, except now bloggers are on the chopping block against ultimate fighting, and I’m getting all defensive. All I really want to do is send Patton… Read More

Ah, silence…

on July 29, 2008

Chicken is home, Chicken is home! Hence the reason I’m posting at dark-thirty a.m.–for some reason she expected her return to be cause to spend all my time with her, catching up on tv instead of playing about on the bloody computer. Silly girl, but I indulged her for the day, got little done, either… Read More

Glad Tidings!

on July 27, 2008

(And Galad tidings:-) I just checked Galad’s blog, and sister’s got some serious sock action going on–go, girlfriend! About the cat–thank you. I knew you would be supportive, which is why I pushed ‘publish’ on that rather rambling, emotional post, and you all were exactly what I needed. Thank you. I’ll let you know what… Read More

And on a happier note…

on July 25, 2008

I think Ladybug has potty-trained herself. She’s been insisting she sit on the potty–taking off her pull-up and scrambling up there and waiting for something magical to happen, but none (none!) of our children have been potty-trained before three, so we were just sort of indulging her–you know, “Isn’t that cute? She wants to be… Read More

In which I reveal that I have no soul whatsoever.

on July 25, 2008

*sigh* Okay–first of all, I’m having a cat problem. Dennis Quaid has been looking skankier and skankier–I finally caved and took him to the bank I mean the vets today, knowing that after fixing my PWT ticket, the last thing our bank account could take is a vet bill from hell. I told them seriously… Read More