
on February 6, 2008

Are you a Gear HeadHey, you really know your stuff! How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

Knit-tech dared me!

on February 6, 2008

Seriously–I was gonna pass on this one, but she e-mailed me and dared me! Who know those years listening to Mate wax lyrical about the fabulous Mustang of Love would have brought us to this! BTW? The damn survey won’t let me post with ANYTHING else on it! That’s why the title’s funky up above…it’s… Read More


on February 4, 2008

Okay–if I could only load one picture, I’m glad it was that one! Anyway–I FINALLY ! got my author copies!!! Huzzah huzzah huzzah! Chicken thought she was taking four of them to school. I had to explain that, while yes, I had written the book more for her and her brother than my other books,… Read More

Fruitcake Weather!

on February 2, 2008

There’s this story by Truman Capote called ‘A Christmas Memory’ in which a very young Truman and his very best friend (an older female relative with the unlikely name of ‘Sook’, although it’s never given in the story) go about making fruitcakes every Christmas. They save all year for the money to make them–it’s during… Read More

Knit-Tech has the BEST quizzes EVER!!!

on February 1, 2008

It took me three tries to get this good! (Well, I was 71, 70, and I decided to quit while I was ahead.) 75 words free Touch typing

The really great and the sort of irritating…

on January 31, 2008

Okay–really great? B-MoonI got it’s first review on amazon.com! SQUEEEEEEE! That’s it, guys. I mean, there’s still some stomach-heaving, nail chewing anxiety out there in the process, but, still, I’m good! You all like it! You really really really like it! (I knew you did…but something about that first written review–I’m telling you guys…it’s weird…. Read More

And in addendum:

on January 29, 2008

Item the First: Governor Arnold is going to cut the education budget so severely next year that he’s going to send the state with one of the highest costs of living in the nation into the exalted position of 46th in the nation in terms of $$$ per kid. Thanks, Governor, you’re doing exactly what… Read More

That rarity of rarities and my own common neurosis…

on January 29, 2008

My 5th period class is quietly doing their work, and I got bored and decided to blog. Someone check the bible–I think this could be a sign of something truly dire. The truth is, my 2nd period was vile enough to make up for this seeming obedience. A few weeks ago, I moved everybody to… Read More

The Calm During the Storm…

on January 27, 2008

The weather here in nor-cal is grungy–it’s what Seattle wishes the weather was like all the time just to live up to it’s rep! (I actually love Seattle, btw…one of the prettiest cities outside of San Francisco and Victoria that I’ve ever been to! But then, those of you who’ve traveled Europe, I’m sure, have… Read More