Several questions…

on August 24, 2007

I NEVER EVER want answered… * Why was it necessary this morning for the world to stop spinning on it’s axis, annihilate itself and disintegrate into powder when I took a bite of my son’s ‘apple’ (it was a nectarine) after he said he didn’t want it? * How many times have my children exposed… Read More

Punky little wemons…

on August 22, 2007

So, we’re taking the Cave Troll to the State Fair today after work–he has to tumble across mats with a puzzled look on his face proving, once and for all, that kids think the world is random and adults have done nothing to change their minds. His and Chicken’s dance/gym teacher get the kids into… Read More


on August 20, 2007

Okay… today’s lesson is vocabulary. You give me the word (stop talking to her), the part of speech (please sit down), the synonym (spit out that gum), and the sentence (eyes front). I will help by giving (did I say sit down?) examples: incipient: adj. new or beginning (nascent)Yes, nascent is a real word…do you… Read More


on August 19, 2007

First of all, I got this quiz from Tama, our beloved Mother of Chaos, and thought I’d share: This Is My Life, Rated Life: 7.7 Mind: 6.6 Body: 5.5 Spirit: 7.6 Friends/Family: 8 Love: 9.1 Finance: 8.5 Take the Rate My Life Quiz Apparently my ‘Love’ score was EMBARRASSINGLY high…they asked for my advice in… Read More


on August 16, 2007

THanks for the pep-talk, everybody–seriously, you all know I couldn’t do it w/out you!!! But yesterday’s post was a little self-indulgent, so I’m going to ponder the vagaries of traffic for a moment… Tuesday–Left the house at 7:25, encountered a couple of slow downs and got to work at 8:20. This was a little later… Read More


on August 15, 2007

It’s funny, how something stupid can prey on your mind… School’s going okay–I guess I’ve got the same number of shitheads, I’m just more pissed off about jumping on them. I’ve already written my first referral, and I followed the bullshit train and made parent contact, and I have a tardy log started, and really,… Read More

Already better…

on August 13, 2007

Just a quick post, because, hullo, I realized it had been a couple of days but… I went to my friend’s wedding reception Saturday–it was up in the hills, and I think that if I didn’t like the contrast so much of the terrain divide in Forresthill, I would have put Green’s hill in Grass… Read More

The Prickweenie Parade Moves to Modesto…

on August 10, 2007

Okay–this week has been so schizophrenic in character that I was about a kitten’s whisker from writing like, five short posts, bam bam bam like the machine gun I’ve never heard in real life. But I’m tired and the Cave Troll needs to be settled and tucked in, and I should go out walking, 10:00… Read More


on August 7, 2007

My computer’s down, really? Not MY computer…my computer is always so reliable…my computer never dies. I mean, I’m a writer, for sweet Goddess’ sake–and a teacher! I have lesson plans to revise, and I only got 250 pages done this summer, including the 12 units (A’s all around) that I took between the hours of… Read More

Somebody made me socks!!!

on August 6, 2007

I so do not have pictures of this…I really am the worst photospot in the blogosphere…I will have to post pictures tomorrow… Anyway, Roxie remembered my birthday very early and send me an embarrassment of riches in the world’s most adorable notions box–including four skeins of some sort of fluffy white yarn that has ‘hat’… Read More