Movie Me Me…

on March 4, 2007

Okay…we watched movies last night. Movie night is sort of a weird night for me–my (single) (crazy) friend Wendy comes over, and whilst I knit, she leans against Mate and pretends he’s her Mate even though, on non-movie nights, he’s not her type in the least. Chicken lays against Wendy, Cave Troll falls asleep on… Read More

The Train Has Arrived…

on March 2, 2007

The ego trip is over…thank you all for boarding with me, I’m back to my regular scheduled neuroses… Seriously–Haylo, Sora–thanks so much for the book appreciation…I was worried (I know the emphasis was on character development as opposed to blowing up bad guys–that doesn’t always go over well…) spiral, penguinpants–so nice to have you here!… Read More


on February 28, 2007

THEY LIKE ME, THEY REALLY REALLY LIKE ME!!!!! Thanks a million-trillion-googoolplex, Sora–I’m totally warmed… by spiral and penquinpants as well! (And ALWAYS Roxie!!! ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS!!!) But this brings me to 2 things–maybe 3– 1. How many people are reading my blogs because of the books? I had no idea…I thought it was all knitting!… Read More

Ooh…that wasn’t promising…

on February 27, 2007

(Zoo pictures from last week–I did promise and all…) Okay, just to warn you, first of all, I’m going on a blue rant here–I mean, I just read my 3rd paragraph and it gives Cory a run for her money, so if you’re not comfy with that sort of thing, I’ll forgive you for not… Read More

You’re sick, I’ll humor you…

on February 25, 2007

Julie asked for pictures of my shopping trip of shame…we all remember our Princes Bride, right? Anyway, I thought I’d try to mask the sheer amount with pictures of the toddler, but since it’s 11:30 in the morning and he’s still wearing pajamas, well, maybe not such a stellar idea…The devil ducky knitting needles are… Read More


on February 25, 2007

So…If I told you all that I woke up from a dream in which my dad was about to bust me necking with my boyfriend after blowing all my college money on yarn, would you have some idea of how much money I dumped yesterday? Yeah… It was embarrassing–on the train home (the train was… Read More

Thanks, Julie!!!!

on February 23, 2007

I’m sorry– I thought it the whole time I was writing last night’s post, but I forgot to SAY it…Thanks Julie!!!! And thanks for permission to use your info, too!

As Promised…

on February 22, 2007

In addition to being an obsessive narcissist, you may also have noticed that I have the attention span of a mosquito flying through a meth cloud, so I’m only going to mention BOUND for a nanosecond, then I’m moving on to bitching about and then, as promised, a little bit of Top Sheep… So,… Read More

Not the post I had planned…

on February 21, 2007

Okay–I was in the middle of a Top Sheep episode last night when our internet went down and the whole thing was lost. Fucking blogger. I WILL get you that Top Sheep sometime this week, but for now, two quick things, and then the bell rings and the kids come in and the shouting and… Read More

Not Quite Live…

on February 19, 2007

Okay–we’ve just returned from the zoo, and tomorrow I will probably post some photos along with a long-neglected episode of Top Sheep. (My work problems sort of took precedence for a while, but I’ve attained perspective and Top Sheep will have out.) Anyway, all I wanted to say for this very itty bitty teeny tiny… Read More