
on August 10, 2018

Someday the end of August won’t mean schedules . Someday, it won’t mean trips to the store for new shoes. Someday, I won’t have to worry about the right classes,  Or the friends that didn’t call through summer blues. Someday, they’ll buy all their own underwear. Someday, they’ll buy all their own clothes. Someday, I… Read More

*wipes brow*

on August 8, 2018

Whew! So, yesterday I finished Familiar Demon, which is the next book in the Familiar series. This is Edward and Mullins’s book, and they’re on a scavenger hunt that takes them into very… uh… familiar territory. I’ll post an excerpt later 😉 And pretty much the minute Kermit Flail published, ALL SORTS OF THINGS went down… Read More

Kermit Flail– Summer’s End!

on August 6, 2018

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! So, for one thing, summer is coming to an end, and I’m not fond of the heat– but for another, it’s a Kermit Flail day, and while the offering this month is a little small, it is also MIGHTY! First we have a story with the world’s best title. Love it Like You Stole… Read More

A Little Bit of Fantasy

on August 6, 2018

So, my friend Berry Jello and I went to a very very tiny comic-con up in Eldorado Hills today, and we had very much fun! Her son dressed– a LOT–and my kids dressed — a little. Her daughter is Faith from Buffy, and her son is Beetlejuice and my kids are just sunshine and light… Read More

Today’s accomplishments…

on August 3, 2018

Today’s Accomplishments: * Walked the assholes…erm dogs. * Went grocery shopping. * Made beans. *  Am about to make word count. * Answered a shitton of e-mails. * Napped. So gloriously. It was a GLORIOUS nap. Today’s failures: * Need to answer more e-mails. *  Ate chocolate that I shouldn’t have bought at the grocery… Read More

What Y’all Gonna Die Mad About?

on August 1, 2018

Okay–I stole the title from a tweet I responded to, and I have to admit, it made me unashamedly happy. I vented my grievance (Happy Festivus!) and then laughed at myself. That? I was going to die mad about that? Well, maybe a little. But hopefully not too mad. Because it doesn’t matter what you… Read More

Necessary Nothing

on July 31, 2018

OKay, so some days it’s necessary that nothing exciting happen. I had an edit, I’m behind on a deadline– you get the picture. So today was one of those days when a bunch of nothing added up to a pretty decent day–I’ll give you the highlights and we’ll call it a night. *  Was debating… Read More

Damned Offspring

on July 30, 2018

So I was taking Big T home after he came over and did laundry, and as usual, he used the time to tell me how his life is going. The conversation went like this: Big T: *general discussion about making friends through a gaming server* Me: That’s nice, honey! You’ve done fun stuff with these… Read More

How do I look, honey?

on July 27, 2018

Here is the transcript of Suzanne Brockman’s 2018 RWA Lifetime Achievement award acceptance speech. You don’t have to read it now–but trust me. It’ll be important. Okay– so those of you who have followed me since the beginning are aware that my “look” has changed. Yes, older, and very much fatter, for one thing, but… Read More


on July 25, 2018

I love Mate madly. I do. But I’m not sure I can fully impart to him the mental exhaustion of someone who does work in their pajamas suddenly subjected to ALL THE AWESOME PEOPLE for five and a half days. I know when I get off the plane, I’m usually a babbling mess, and if… Read More