A brief recipe…

on December 12, 2017

So, tonight was our night to go get the Christmas tree–it’s currently hydrating in the appropriate corner, but not yet decorated. I thought I’d share our goofy little tree adventure–and my recipe for Instapot Chicken Bake, which I started before I left and was done when we got back. So… A. The Christmas Tree lot… Read More

A Dead Sprint…

on December 11, 2017

Okay– so I am planning a Pierce and Hal ficlet sometime this week– stay tuned for it, I’ll hit up all the media outlets as soon as it’s up. Anyway– Ambrosia has been coming over to work on my newsletter, and her visits aren’t complete without her entourage. That’s her boyfriend, Idris, and their adorable… Read More

Snark and Circumstance

on December 7, 2017

Just a few random thoughts… *  For the last few weeks as I’ve been getting dressed, Geoffie as watched me put my bra on, then stood on her hind legs and made little digging motions with her forepaws against my stomach. It’s very playful, very adorable, and very much a pain in the ass. And… Read More

The Blog Tour of Christmas Past

on December 6, 2017

So, Regret Me Not was released Monday, and as I’ve been doing, I sort of put my all into the blog tour. This one was particularly fun, because I pulled out some memories that I possibly haven’t blogged about–talked about some stuff–some happy, some sad–that you might not have heard of before. I’ll post as… Read More

Regret Me Not

on December 2, 2017

So, I’m putting this up on Kermit Flail on Monday, but I wanted to remind you all that Regret Me Not will be out on Monday too! Pierce Atwater used to think he was a knight in shining armor, but then his life fell to crap. Now he has no job, no wife, no life—and… Read More

Winner, Winner, Mack and Cheese Dinner!

on December 1, 2017

And another short take tonight–but hopefully a funny one 🙂 I did something funky to my knee–it’s swollen and it hurts and I’ve been taking Motrin for my knee but it’s bad for my stomach and that hurts too, and generally, after my afternoon nap, I put on my pajamas and just left them on…. Read More


on November 29, 2017

Brief story tonight–started Fish on a Bicycle and got tired super quick! But this was pretty funny–and it all started with a really shitty phone connection. My stepmom called me to see if we were interested in going to Auburn for their light festival. The connection was shitty, but I tried to tell her that… Read More

The little things…

on November 28, 2017

So a friend sent me the pretty glass necklace today as an early Christmas present and I love it. She also sent me the witch’s cauldron– and the Goddess pendant I wear in perpetuity.  I love her taste, which is great since I have NONE of my own. I lose everything–gifts, treasures, I am a… Read More

And in spite of it all, knitting happened!

on November 27, 2017

Busy weekend! Friday I spent rolling out the newsletter, which was exciting!  There’s still some glitches, but if you’re interested in updates on new releases and future projects, we’re hammering out the kinks. Feel free to sign up HERE.  So, that was Friday, Saturday was going to a craft fair–or, rather the same craft fair… Read More