Some Friday Announcements…

on November 25, 2017

So, I’ll start with exciting business, and then I’ll move to a nice little moment with Squish just now, are we ready? First off– I (meaning Ambrosia) added Scorched Haven to Instafreebie–if you wish to download it, go here: Instafreebie–Scorched Haven  Now when you’re there, there’s a little box that says if you want to… Read More

The Haiku of Category Romance

on November 23, 2017

 So, I got asked to go teach a class about world building in Reno this April (not at RT, this is at Truckee Community College) and I was going through my notes (okay–I was putting my brain together because I haven’t spoken about this for a while) and one of the points I’ve made before… Read More

Watch This Space

on November 21, 2017

 So, I’m putting together a newsletter. Okay–so that’s misleading. Ambrosia who is working as my PA right now is putting together a newsletter for me, because otherwise, I’d be a lost and lonely loser, wandering the newsl etter dessert without a compass.  Anyway, the good news is, the entire family got to hold the baby… Read More

The ABC’s of a Long Weekend…

on November 20, 2017

First of all, our Saturday was as carefully orchestrated as a Bolshoi Ballet–pick up kid’s friend, take Mate to first soccer game, pick up Big T, pick Mate up, take Mate and Squish to second soccer game, watch this one, take everybody to store to pick up cake and snacks, take everybody to pizza place… Read More

Oh fuck it’s Thursday…

on November 17, 2017

* So, walking the dogs today, I met the doggy version of me. She was perfectly loaf shaped, with a tiny head and tiny legs and a tiny tail, poking out of a body that was half as wide as it was round. In short, she was like a can of Crisco with appendages. Her… Read More

Happy 14th on the 15th, ZoomBoy

on November 16, 2017

Me: What do you want for your birthday? ZB: I got nothing. I’m fairly content. Me: *pulls hair out* *  *  * Me: Do you want to be a ventriloquists dummy wearing Dad’s lederhosen for Halloween? ZB: No, I’d rather be Morty. All I have to wear is a yellow T-Shirt. * * * Me:… Read More

My Next New Invention…

on November 15, 2017

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog post for the following advertisement of a fictional product: Step right up, ladies and gentleman, I have an idea for the next big thing, the kickstarter of 2018, the invention we’ve all been waiting for. It’s not the Tile, folks, but it’s close, and it’s not the keyless entry… Read More

Traffic Court

on November 14, 2017

So, went into traffic court today and brought Chicken just for company. One of my favorite things about court is people watching. I run in isolated circles these days and I gotta tell ya, I get tired of little old ladies at the pool. So, three quick highlights here–because what fun is it without highlights?… Read More

Cause we is all class…

on November 13, 2017

Huzzah! We’re going to see the Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus perform in December–I was so excited when I bought tickets. Leave it to my family to make things weird. “Yay!” I printed out the tickets. “We’re going to the Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus in December!” “What’s that?” Squish asked suspiciously. Apparently if it’s not soccer,… Read More

Cover Reveal and Randomness

on November 10, 2017

Regret Me Not by Amy Lane Pierce Atwater used to think he was a knight in shining armor, but then his life fell to crap. Now he has no job, no wife, no life—and is so full of self-pity he can’t even be decent to the one family member he’s still speaking to. He heads… Read More