The Green’s Hill Werewolves and Upcoming Projects…

on September 19, 2017

 In the world of the Little Goddess After a rocky start and some unexpected battles, Teague Sullivan may have found a home at Green’s Hill. With Jack and Katy by his side, he has the chance to achieve a happiness he only dreamed of during his impoverished childhood. But much of Teague’s happiness depends upon… Read More

And this weekend I…

on September 18, 2017

Saw this movie: Watched this kid play soccer: Watched these animals play with this kid: Slept in with these crapweasels: Tried to teach ZoomBoy how to make swag: Made it myself:  And watched this show on DVR: And shopped for groceries and wrote a little. It’s been sort of a busy two days! Night!

Scary Movies

on September 15, 2017

First of all, I got the picture from a FB page called 9Gags, and HERE’S THE LINK for more IT themed fun.  Go at your own risk–Tim Curry smoking a cigarette while dressed as Pennywise is pretty much the epitome of creepy. Anyway, It is coming out, and the whole world has gone bug nuts with… Read More

5 Things

on September 14, 2017

So, Wednesday night, when the day has been sort of a blur, and even if I have done anything really interesting, my brain is Kindergarten paste and I can’t think through it. And trust me. I haven’t done anything interesting. So, I”m going to do a 5 Things blog and call it a night. Thing… Read More

A Little Bit o’ Het

on September 13, 2017

So… First of all, I present Eric Burdon and the Animals, doing “House of the Rising Sun”, because OMG THEY WERE SO DAMNED YOUNG. I always imagined Eric looking, well, sort of thirty-ish and scarred and tough, but this kid looks barely young enough to be smoking behind the gas station, and his band mates… Read More

Using the Swift

on September 12, 2017

So, I posted a video on FB yesterday of Mate, holding a skein of yarn over his two hands, while Chicken wound the yarn into a ball on the winder. (You can find the video HERE if you follow me on FB.) One astute FB reader saw the swift in the background and asked why… Read More


on September 11, 2017

So I’ve always been pretty clear about the difference between my writing and my knitting.  With my writing, I start a project, work to the end, finish the project, and find a place for it. I feel like I have to do this–it keeps me productive, and, let’s face it, when you’re working from home–with… Read More

Three Cat Lounge

on September 8, 2017

I have to admit, the last week has been a little timed out. ZoomBoy has been auditioning for EVERYTHING, and while on the one hand, ‘m damned proud of him, on the other hand, I’m remembering the old days when Chicken and Big T had different daytime destinations and every body had something different after… Read More

Meme Day

on September 7, 2017

 Okay– so Wednesdays are my longest days, so I’m going to take the easy way out of the blog tonight. First we have homemade memes.  Yeah, I know–I got a little excited about the editing function on my phone. I have a very little brain. But Dewey and Mrs. Poopy Butt-hole were willing models, so… Read More

Take Me to the Church

on September 6, 2017

So, somebody on my FB group posted that little bit of Justice League Batman… And suggested (none too subtly) it might be time for some fanfic. And since the world is scary, and I’m hoping everybody out there is safe and well, this will be my little gift to you, to maybe make the world… Read More