Scuse me, gotta pee…

on August 21, 2017

So, developed a UTI this weekend–which, since the AZO seems to be working seems to stand for “irritation” rather than “infection”–thank Goddess. But besides wanting nothing more than to read on the toilet and be left alone, I managed to be a lot of places! * Friday, Chicken and I went to see Logan Lucky…. Read More

Cooking Filet of Soul

on August 18, 2017

* Note– short ficlet, drabble maybe, involving Jackson and Ellery from Fish Out of Water and Red Fish, Dead Fish  Jackson started out Thanksgiving morning curled up on the corner of the gigantic white couch in Ellery’s mother’s sitting room. Ellery had woken him up in time for a brisk walk around the block, then… Read More

Short Takes

on August 16, 2017

Just a few observations made by me and mine during the day:  First of all, ZoomBoy got his his first student picture ID today, and this is what he had to say about it. I told him I’d put it on social media so everybody else could share the laughter. You all were most accommodating,… Read More

Middle-aged Women in the Pool

on August 15, 2017

Yes, I had that conversation many of us dreaded today. The, “There is no two sides to Naziism,” conversation. I got to the pool ten minutes late (nobody is surprised by this ever) and was staying an extra ten minutes to just sort of run in place and make up the time, and I got… Read More

Things to Do

on August 14, 2017

So, When I used to teach high school, we went through a couple of severely shitty principals. There was the one guy who was talking at commencement–badly. I was sitting with the students, having had mostly seniors that year, and one of the kids leaned over and asked, all big eyes, “Who… is… that?” “That’s… Read More

A List of Wierdness

on August 11, 2017

* First of all–I write as a profession. I have yet to be able to spell the word “weird” right without electronic help.  Thought that worth mentioning. * Isn’t it odd, how, every year, sometime in August, just when you think you won’t be able to live with your progeny for one more minute if… Read More

Twas the Night Before School Starting

on August 10, 2017

T’was the night before school starting And all through the house All the children were crying– Or at least sad and morose. The new shoes were nestled All snug in their boxes While mom double checked For knickers and socks While the cats in disdain And the dogs in their need Wondered, with the kids… Read More

Morphology-Based Phylogeny

on August 9, 2017

So folks– it’s been a while since I delved into ficlet and fan fiction land. I’m not even sure I have enough for an ENTIRE ficlet about Dex and Kane–but I have just enough time before I fall asleep to give it a try. This was initially inspired by a meme about morphology-based phylogeny.  I… Read More

*Kermit Flail* Modest August

on August 7, 2017

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! *PHEW* So folks, I’m going to have to admit it–I was so busy with RWA and my own release these last two weeks that I forgot to promote the flail. I’d feel mighty bad about that, BUT, some folks sent me stuff anyway, and that makes me feel GREAT because it means the Flail… Read More

ZoomBoy and the Phone

on August 7, 2017

Very quick post tonight– ZoomBoy has a phone. Or rather, ZoomBoy has MY old Microsoft Phone that we used to call the cockroach of phones, because it refused to die.  We also called it the “phablet” because it’s pretty big. Anyway– his dad took him and his sister to see their grandma today, and I… Read More