
on July 18, 2017

Gonna ramble. First of all, people want to see me in Orlando (see yesterday’s blog) and I think that’s fantastic! I can’t wait to meet folks at the signing! Wheee! Second of all, I’ve never been thrilled with boxes. Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.  Yeah–most people remember that Emerson quote wrong. They… Read More

Necessary promotions

on July 17, 2017

Okay–so, we’re all home safely and, frankly, for the last two days, have been made of sleep. Seriously–I had no idea how tired we were, but after yesterday–and two naps!–I thought about it, and it took us seven hours to drive from Monterey–most of it was traffic. We stopped and played at the beach for… Read More

Room Mates

on July 13, 2017

Monterey has been lovely–I’ve done a lot of instagramming/twittering/FBing about it, so basically I’m all over social media about my family vacation. So I’ll leave you all with this moment. We stopped for clam chowder after our second day at the aquarium, and then walked to Pinkberry. The store was full so we carried our… Read More

Rayna’s present

on July 11, 2017

So I am down two baby blankets– but that’s okay. I had to stop and make this adorable shawlette (it’s a Lion Brand pattern found HERE) for my friend Rayna. Now, I know I’m putting this on broadcast, but Rayna is too damned busy to read the blog, and the reason she’s too damned busy… Read More

Small things…

on July 10, 2017

Okay– I admit it. Haven’t done much in the last couple of days. I mean, I finished Bobby Green, edited it and submitted it– that was something. And I got a lot accomplished on a shawlette I’m working on–crocheting–for, I think, a friend who is going to graduate from physician’s assistant school very soon. I… Read More

Interesting thought…

on July 7, 2017

So, about three weeks ago, I had a fasciitis flare up. I did what my people do and rubbed some dirt on it, cut the dogs’ walk short but kept walking, kept aqua exercising, and only when I was home allowed myself to sag in any chair I could find. The flare up faded, but… Read More

The Duck

on July 6, 2017

Okay, so we went to the pool today, and ZoomBoy took over the music selection for the drive. Just… Okay. Welcome to my world here for a little bit. Here I am, driving along, and… Well, you can listen for yourself.  The duck was my favorite. I went off on the duck for five minutes… Read More

Happy Tuesday in July!

on July 5, 2017

So yeah– not full of nationalistic pride right now–but my family picnic is always a joy, so that was fun. I’ve got pictures, but they’re not downloading right now–I have no idea, and seriously– *yawn* off to bed right now. But I WILL leave you with this– it’s the pre-buy link to Red Fish, Dead… Read More

Kermit Flail, July Style

on July 3, 2017

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! So, it’s Kermit Flail, July edition, and once again, I have been given an embarrassment of riches. All it took was one prompt–just one, mind you–and some of the most awesome folks sent me their stuff to flail– *sniffle* I’m just so rich in friends! So, E.J. Russell sent me a fantasy story–the first… Read More

Manny Get Your Guy

on July 1, 2017

Manny Get Your Guy By Amy Lane The Mannies Starting over and falling in love. Tino Robbins’s sister, Nica, and her husband, Jacob, are expecting their fifth child. Fortunately, Nica’s best friend, Taylor Cochran, is back in town, released from PT and in need of a job. After years in the service and recovering from… Read More