Happy Easter!

on April 17, 2017

Lots of fun stuff today–but I’m a little tired, so I’ll stick to the big stuff. First of all, I chatted with a reader today, one who was, like all of us, worried about the state of the world. She shared with me this quote from Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor, author, and human rights activist–and… Read More


on April 14, 2017

I know politics are scary out there–we’re watching a greedy evil petty tyrant hurt our neighbors and take away our rights, while the men who are supposed to hold him back are picking their noses and calling themselves holy because they’ve never had to make a hard choice in their lives. I’m angry too. But… Read More


on April 13, 2017

Okay so ZoomBoy is sick with a super sore throat and a fever, and I’m just sort of tired and cranky. Gonna be a blessedly short blogpost tonight, folks! The few points of interest… When you’re feeling sort of punk, nothing beats vegging out on Berry Jello’s couch and shotgunning a series. In this case,… Read More


on April 12, 2017

Predictably, we’re late… Mate:  Sum of Us? Me: Politics. Or charity. Or sort of both. Mate: Got it. Mate: Avaaz? Me: Politics. Or charity. Or sort of both. Mate: Right. Mate: Vistaprint. Me: Work. Mate (to self): Advertising… Me: Sure. Mate: Tarot.com Me: Self-medication. Mate: Lots of those when your books come out. Me: Do… Read More

Falling from the sky.

on April 11, 2017

Okay– so I’ve got a SuperBat bug up my keister. Heh heh heh… So anyway… enjoy. * * * Diabolical. The plan was diabolical–and simple. The helicopter S.O.S.ed over Metropolis, and continued toward Gotham. “Got this one,” Superman said, and Bruce had a vision of him changing in a bathroom stall or a broom closet… Read More

Writing with the Ego and the Monstrous Id

on April 10, 2017

Super Ego: This would be a Christmas story and it shall have a length of approximately 40 K and the central premise is a young man who is trying to believe in goodness and an older man who thinks he doesn’t have any optimism left, and they– Id: TWO GUYS FUCKING! SuperEgo: NO! Jesus, they… Read More

Steve and the Rain

on April 7, 2017

Poor Steve… If you go here, you can see a video showing you her very difficult relationship with the magic sky water that vexes her so:  FB It’s so sad.  She sits in front of the door and begs to be let out.  She can go out most other nights? Why should tonight be different?… Read More

Eeeeeeee!!! and Auuuuuuughhhh!!!

on April 6, 2017

Today, boys and girls, we’re going to talk about vowels, and all the things they can do for you. Let’s start with long e. Long e can be made VERY VERY LONG. And it can be a word all by itself. For example, when you come home after a long day, and your adorable wee… Read More


on April 5, 2017

So, it was sort of an ordinary average day, really… but even the most ordinary, average days have their share of quirkiness… * Yesterday Squishy wore her birthday clothes to school, and I took a picture of her in her finery. Because she’d had an 80’s party, she asked for me to put her hair… Read More

*Kermit Flail* April!!!!

on April 3, 2017

All right, y’all, we’ve got a MASSIVE show for you today! First of all, thanks to everyone who wished my Squishy happy birthday via yesterday’s post–that was really awesome of you– thanks. Both kids went to bed early tonight–and I think the adults won’t be far to follow! Anyway– dang, did March go by SUPER… Read More