Reading in Midtown

on March 18, 2017

So folks– Just a reminder that if you’re in the Sacramento Area, a bunch of us will be out at the Lavender Library in midtown to read our own work and eat cookies. My cookies are specially made by elves, who know how to bake inside a tree without setting it on fire. I understand,… Read More

Rabbit Hole

on March 17, 2017

So… I’ve rather tamed the writing dragon in recent years–he was bad for my health, frankly. If I sat too long one thing would hurt, then another and then another–our bodies aren’t made to do that and it’s not good for them. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have times when my work is my… Read More

Crap, What Time is It?

on March 16, 2017

Yes–it’s going to be a holy-shit-it’s-one a.m. post. Let it commence– First of all, Newt-Dewey demolishes the house every morning while we sleep.  Dust bunnies? Moths? Tiny motes of sunlight? Who cares. He sounds like a thundering herd of wildebeests and it’s HYSTERICAL. Especially when we call him Honeyface as he’s doing it. Next?  I… Read More

Festering Butt Pearls

on March 15, 2017

Hmmm… so much good stuff, so little time. First of all, I apologize to anyone if you get a double dose of something between FB and Twitter–I do try to add to the sound bites in the blog, but, yeah, one person living a very average life does not much blog fodder generate. But jeez… Read More

Interview with Damon Suede

on March 13, 2017

A Few Questions More… A few weeks ago, I interviewed Damon Suede about his new book, Lickety Split– the full review can be found HERE at Prism Book Alliance. Now, because I’m me–and because he’s Damon– we sort of spilled over the word count, and there were a few more things to say. I’m blessed,… Read More

Busy Day

on March 13, 2017

This morning I posted a semi-facetious sally about all the things I had to do today and 140 characters weren’t enough– Wine we didn’t ultimately buy. Walk the dogs, start a blog tour, work on a novel, go grocery shopping, shop for ZoomBoy’s science experiment, get new prescription sunglasses since the last ones fell apart,… Read More

Dear Crazy Twat…

on March 10, 2017

To the woman who chased me off her yard with a garden hose this morning– First of all: I’m sorry my dog crapped on your lawn. As a dog owner yourself you should know that when their backs bow and they squat, there is NO GOING BACK from that. Second of all: I had the… Read More

A Conversation With ZoomBoy…

on March 9, 2017

So… I know some of you are reading Bonfires as an ARc right now, and some of you are planning to read it later. I need you to know that this conversation happened TODAY and not 10 months ago when I was writing the book! So… “Mom… I have sort of a dirty joke for… Read More

Checking In…

on March 8, 2017

Okay– I’ll admit it. I’m falling asleep at 10 pm.  I’m pretty sure this is why I usually require a day of recovery after traveling. Anyway… I had THE perfect idea for today’s blog post… and it’s gone now. I will tell you that the dogs slobbered over me for an hour last night. The… Read More

*Kermit Flail* Magical March style!

on March 6, 2017

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW.  I mean WOW!!! Last month was quiet– but then, February is often short, frantic, and full of phlegm. (That was me– but then as a month, it’s short, frantic, and full of phlegm.)  But this month I have some AMAZINGLY awesome people here and I’m SO PROUD.  First of all, Ariel is here…. Read More