And a little bit of afterparty…

on October 5, 2016

So, I blogged about our birthday coming up and then blogged about everything else, and didn’t tell you about the birthday. So here’s a few after party highlights, in case anyone was wondering: A. I wasn’t able to “surprise” Mate with the wagon because, of ALL the days, the game schedule was different and he… Read More

*Kermit Flail* October

on October 3, 2016

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I thought I’d start out with that, because hey, it’s been a fanTASTIC weekend. But, now that the madness of birthday weekend is over, we’ve got some great stuff coming this month–EJ Russell gives us traditional Halloween monsters in Wolf’s Clothing, Rick R. Reed gives us a little sadness, a little healing, and some… Read More

Fish in the Desert–Ficlet

on October 2, 2016

Hey all! So, the birthday was wonderful– thanks for the warm wishes!–and tomorrow is *Kermit Flail*. Today, for my birthday (and Mate’s) I felt like writing something totally frivolous.  NEXT week it will be more Scorched Haven, in celebration of Rampant’s re-release, but today? I wanna do a crossover fic. And since I’m starting the… Read More

Surprised–and Happy :-)

on September 30, 2016

So, this weekend is “birthday weekend”– which is always both fun and a challenge for Mate and I. My birthday’s on the 30th, his is on the 1st, and there’s a daughter and an aunt and a mother all thrown in there somewhere too. This year, I didn’t expect a big deal, really– the year… Read More

Week 6, redux

on September 29, 2016

So, I was down for a forty-five minute nap this afternoon when Squish climbed into bed. She had a headache and was trembly and… And it’s week six. I didn’t even have to do the math. Week six, the marking week of the most stressed, the most exhausted, the most strung out and wrecked that… Read More

A few quick observations before bed…

on September 28, 2016

Squish got in the car all excited today. “Hey, mom–we finally had social studies! We’re going to learn about colonialism!” I was surprised. “You mean they’re going to teach about how European interlopers pretty much displaced the indigenous people of four different continents, raped the land of the resources and brutalized the natives in an… Read More

Shh… don’t tell Mate!

on September 27, 2016

Okay– I’m the world’s WORST secret keeper. I admit it. Lots of examples on the blog, on FB, on Twitter. My gift selection sucks wind (unless I’m knitting for you and then it’s awesome by virtue of I said it was awesome so there) and odds are good I’ll tell you what your gift is… Read More

Les Mis Filksong

on September 25, 2016

So, when I posted this on FB I said, “I don’t know where it came from”. This might have been misleading if people thought I got it from somewhere else. I mean, I wrote it, but I have no idea why.  Just popped into my head and thought I’d share. So, y’all… do you hear… Read More

Dreaming of Suits

on September 25, 2016

Well, people have loved Tart and Sweet so far–and have been sad to say goodbye to the guys of Candy Heaven too. I have started sort of a tradition lately of writing a ficlet for a story a couple of weeks after it’s out… And surprise, we’re due! I’m just going to give fair warning… Read More

The Hot Sheet

on September 23, 2016

Okay– seriously not that hot, but it’s the weird mundane minutia that’s been making up my week: *  Geoffie the rotten dog still needs one more medication. Tomorrow I’ll get it at the grocery store and then it’s eyedrops ho! *  Squish is running for student council again because she’s gonna rule the world. *… Read More