A Sneak Peek: All the Rules of Heaven

on September 9, 2016

So, I’m almost done with this book. And I’m excited about it–it’s urban fantasy, and there was a lot of world building, and I sort of love it. I don’t know where it’s going yet–but I’ll keep you posted. And although it may be a long time before you see the rest, since I’m going… Read More

Sending and Receiving

on September 8, 2016

I have to prepare a mail day! I need to send some books to Jaime from Alpha Book Club, and I need to send Chicken her shirt, and I need to send my cousin’s baby his hat. And I need to send these little kid’s chemo caps to my friend, who’s niece will need one… Read More


on September 7, 2016

And to finish off the insane two weeks of “Mom gets no damned time,” today was my eye appointment. “Okay,” said the doctor, “Could you read the last line in front of you that’s clear enough to see.” “No.” “I’m sorry?” “I can’t read any of that.” “Oh. Okay. Here– here’s the next set. Which… Read More

New Hobbies

on September 6, 2016

Okay– so a big weekend–and not just because Tart and Sweet came out Monday, either! Yesterday, I said goodbye to the cockroach of cell phones after a long and bitter struggle. See, when I first got a smart phone, I went for the Microsoft phone, because I totally got the platform and the organization. I… Read More

Kermit Flail– A quiet yet awesome September!

on September 5, 2016

So we’ve got a slightly subdued YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY as we head into fall, but still a pretty exciting show today folks. I have to admit–I’ve been preoccupied with the dog and the kids and the finishing the sooper sekrit urban fantasy project this month, so I didn’t drum up as much FLAIL as I usually do–but… Read More

Well-Behaved Kids

on September 4, 2016

My children are well behaved. I’m not sure why.  I mean, I sort of know why–and it has nothing to do with them living in hunched and quivering balls of fear/respect/hatred of our authority. They’re well behaved because authority has been kind to them, and because it’s encouraged them to think for themselves, and because… Read More

Medication Time!

on September 2, 2016

Thanks to everyone who hoped for Geoffie’s improvement. She is doing better–but medication time is a real drag. The thing is– the dog has three different things. (It’s supposed to be four–I didn’t get the fourth one yet, because busy!) Now, I thought I had this medication thing down. I’d inject some of Geoffie’s high-calorie… Read More

Do Not Adjust Your Screen– Those Are NOT Tribbles

on September 1, 2016

 So I missed a blog yesterday– but it was for good reason. I think I said last week that poor Geoffie’s eyes were very hamburgerish when I got home from Kansas City. I took her in and we were given allergy medicine but it didn’t work that well–and her eyes went completely opaque under the… Read More

Knitting Saves the World!

on August 30, 2016

Not much to talk about today–it’s been mostly in my head. Seriously–Mondays are pretty busy. Drop Squish off, take dogs for a walk, work/communicate for a few hours, go to aqua, get lunch, pick kids up.  Today we stopped at Staples on the way home, just for a change of pace, and then home, work,… Read More

A Big Weekend!

on August 29, 2016

 Okay– so yesterday was opening day, and this always means exhaustion and sort of a slow Sunday. But Tart and Sweet is out on September 5th, and I got my paperback copies this week, and that means it was time to go see Darrin! Darrin was thrilled to see us– and I gave him copies… Read More