Yarn Ends

on August 11, 2016

*  I have converted another knitter to the fold.    “I seem to be an addict,” she told me on Twitter.  And her husband chimed in asking if there was a cure. I told this to Mate, and he started laughing. Only a little hysterically, why do you ask? “You need to tell Martin to… Read More

Damned Chicken

on August 10, 2016

I signed a contract for Bonfires this last week, a story I sort of adore, and I put a thing in that book that I got from real life. My stepmom and my dad got chickens again in the past couple of years. They like the funky breeds with the feathers all over their eyes,… Read More

California Girls–Take 2

on August 9, 2016

So, back in the pool again for three! 1.  Today the instructor’s radio went out toward the end. We stretched in silence for a moment, and she said rather forlornly, “Last time, you guys sang California Girls.”  (Yes, that was me. I did that.) So some of the pool–who had not been there– laughed, and… Read More

No Ghosts Were Harmed in this Picture

on August 8, 2016

So… The stunning Ms. Kim Fielding and I went on a ghost quest today.  In our faithful army of questers, we had my children, Squish and ZoomBoy, and her beautiful and quirky daughter, Q. Also along for the drive was Mate, who is most assuredly the most stalwart of knights, as we put him in… Read More

Ghost Call

on August 7, 2016

Okay– So every day, Shyla Colt posts information on paranormal entities and hauntings on Twitter. And I eat that shit UP. I love stories of hauntings and ghosts and local entities. And about the same time I was appreciating one of Shyla’s posts, Ms. Kim Fielding was posting on FB that she needed to get… Read More

Some Great Stuff on Other People’s Blogs

on August 5, 2016

Okay folks– on the home front, Mate is EXHAUSTED. He’s coaching three teams and leading the league and… Damn. I’ll do anything I can to help him but so much of it is stuff only he can do.  So lookie me, making him dinner and making sure he eats it and making sure we have… Read More

And Soccer is Back Again…

on August 4, 2016

Which means we’re all a little behind, so it’s going to be a quick blog post! *  I’ve been watching The Killing on Netflix. I’ve become fascinated with Linden’s sweaters. *purrr*  *drool*  By the way, I understand there’s a Ravelry group called “As Seen on TV” where I can go see if there’s any patterns… Read More


on August 3, 2016

* What follows is a long, rambling rant about literature, politics, and why we have an ignorant cheetoh winning in the polls. None of my readers are under any obligation to feel this way, and none of my friends are under any obligation to agree. All I ask is that nobody yells at anybody else…. Read More

*Kermit Flail Monday* August!

on August 1, 2016

Okay– first of all, whew! Did we all survive? Heat wave and political conventions and hey, hello, RWA? Yeah– it’s been a loooooonnnngg summer, so we have something of a modest *Kermit Flail* for you today–but that’s okay. A lot of us are wrapping up our summer reading (I did spectacularly well on this, I… Read More

Poncho and Baseball

on August 1, 2016

Okay– first of all, we went to a baseball game tonight. Mate lucked into some box seats from work–and I have to admit– the view was SWEET! The RiverCats won definitively– 15-1– and I got to see two professional baseball players from the Salt Lake City Bees actually run into each other while the ball… Read More