So sorry–reinventing the wheel…

on February 7, 2020

Okay– so, VERY short post tonight. This weekend, I am, alas, not going to be at the Lavender Library with my QSAC folks–and I’ll miss it! *waves* Instead, Mate and I are driving to Berkeley tomorrow night (the older kids including my ginormous son will be here with the younger kids which makes me very… Read More

Life as Yakety Sax

on February 5, 2020

So VERY short post today– I just want to say, my life is a circus, and I’m not so sure I’m the ringleader. Picked the kids up from school–nothing. Silence all the way home. I actually got lost in my audiobook and forgot they were there. Then Squish was like, “I’m talking to my former… Read More

Kermit Flail–February!!!

on February 3, 2020

YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! So last month I was worried about February because January sucked so hard–but you know something? February is the shortest month of the year–and there are some awesome things planned for this February, including a chance to teach next Saturday in Berkeley. So I am going to WOOT-WOOT! and celebrate this February– it is the month… Read More

Steve, Glorious Steve…

on January 31, 2020

First of all, Mate is home, and there is much rejoicing! (yayayayayayayyayayay!) It’s funny how a Mate–any Mate–isn’t missed so much in the big things–the grand dramatic gesture of bringing me yarn, for example, although that was much appreciated!–but in the little things.  Touching hands as you pass through the house. Someone to watch television… Read More

Tiny Convos…

on January 29, 2020

Short post tonight–my newsletter is up on Patreon for the public– come look!   It’s been me and the kids this week, and some of it has been blargh but most of it has been us–and we’ve had a little bit of fun. Sometimes–whether it’s at home or out and about, it’s the tiny convos that… Read More

Letters from home…

on January 27, 2020

A long time ago, when ZoomBoy and Squish were little, Mate’s job took him on business trips a lot. Weird shit always managed to happen when he was gone. Raccoons in the backyard? Only once in 22 years–when he was gone. A terrible thump and a giant blood spot on the floor of the garage?… Read More

Finishing Projects

on January 24, 2020

Okay… so, two nights ago, I finished Safe Heart, the third in the Search and Rescue series, and it took an extra long time because A.  Christmas, and B. Sick. So yesterday I did a Patreon story, and tonight, I… well, I finished another project. Like Safe Heart, this one had a Christmas deadline–and I… Read More

Packing for Siberia

on January 22, 2020

Hey all– First of all, I want to thank my community profusely. Just when I was sure the internet was full of spite and red dragons, everyone in my timeline rushed to me with comfort and kindness, and my faith in humanity is much restored. I cannot thank you enough. Today was a little better–Mate… Read More


on January 20, 2020 So, this song gets me every time–I may even have blogged about it before. Two years ago Mate’s mom passed away and we lived in February until May, when Mate realized he’d forgotten to give me a Christmas present. He made it up to me–and of course I understood. He was broken and sad… Read More

Poor Steve

on January 17, 2020

So, the kids were going to put the cats in their crates this morning, while I stole another half-hour of sleep, but things didn’t go as planned. We were all thinking, “We’ve got two crates, one of them’s big– we can probably just put two cats in the big crate.” But the two cats were… Read More