And Back On Line…

on May 25, 2016

So, the interwebs went down. It was awful. I had to stop my junkie computer tap from one site to another. *shudder*  Like it was a bad dream. Anyway–it’s back up, and I am blogging again. Sadly, I’m mostly doing the old middle-aged woman thing tonight and whining–so, you know, maybe loiter a bit until… Read More

Ficlet Weekend: Scorched Haven, Part 7

on May 23, 2016

*yawn* Saw Angry Birds today, and then came home and slept. I don’t know why I was so tired–but wow. Just, you know, wow. Anyway, the movie was amusing–I enjoyed it, possibly because I enjoy writing grumpy fuckers like Bracken and Rance and Sonny, and I like the level of sincerity a character like that… Read More

Cats and Balls

on May 22, 2016

Short post tonight… So, went to a party for some friends of Mate’s from soccer. They were LOVELY people–and talk about creative with the home and yard stuff– everything they did was like Pinterest but better. I was impressed. (People who get creative with home decor always impress me. I’m just glad home is still… Read More

Find That Kid!

on May 20, 2016

So,  I went to Squish’s volunteer tea today–which was lovely. It’s an event thrown by the PTA and the teachers to say thanks for volunteering, and I felt like such a fraud–I’m only there a couple of times a year but Squish’s teacher is so kind– she asked, and I showed. Well, I parked myself… Read More

Quick Queue

on May 19, 2016

So… Shirt, which is FREE AT DSP and ARE and $.99 at Amazon was released today. It is, in fact, the PREQUEL to Phonebook which was released earlier this year and is free in the same places and a dollar at that other one!  These were some of the first things I wrote for DSP,… Read More

And today I…

on May 18, 2016

A real thing that happened in my house today: Me: Uh, Mate? Have you seen my keys? Mate (from work): No… but I did lock the car last night when I got home. Me: Fuuuuuuuck… Mate: I’ve got a really important meeting at nine. I’ll come get Squish for school afterwards. Me: Squish, bad news–… Read More

How Exciting!

on May 17, 2016

I’m sort of writing It’s really exciting! My characters aren’t fighting No love requiting No hearts I’m smiting, I’m definitely writing! Oh, no no no no no no…  Whatever that was, I’m over it. Okay, so– I”m telling a story It’s not even gory There’s sex and glory I swear you’ll want mor-y There’s no… Read More

Backlist BaDumpBump: La Quette

on May 16, 2016

So we’re in for a real treat for today’s Backlist BaDumpBump! La Quette, fearless writer of erotic romance and romantic suspense, is here today to talk about the first book in her series, the Queens of Kings: The Heart of the Matter. Now I have this book lined up on my kindle (you all know about… Read More

Scorched Haven: Part 6, Little Goddess Ficlet — The Shift

on May 15, 2016

It’s been a while–and t’s necessarily short while I edit and write other things, but I think we needed this: *** Colton’s healing wasn’t comfortable. His breathing may have evened out–he even spoke–but his body kept twitching, like a puppy with fleas. “Hurts,” he grumbled, and then sat up.  “And starving.“ “Yeah,” Zeb replied, looking… Read More

This Time, I Had My Camera…

on May 13, 2016

*  I spent part of the day in the dentist office, because that whole “Hey, this is a big part of my filling” moment last night was NOT good. Neither was getting the filling. Neither, I suspect, are the tiny pebbles of amalgam I’ve been spitting out all day. *sigh* Ouch. But the dentist office… Read More