The Nature of Revolution

on January 15, 2020

So I’ve been sick for almost a week, and I was feeling a little better today (let’s see how long I can write tonight tho–I have the feeling too many nights of sleeping upright so I don’t break a rib coughing are about to catch up with me) and the kids and I had… Well,… Read More

Well that sucked…

on January 13, 2020

So, two days of being too sick to write–and believe me, I’ve got to be WAY OUT OF IT to be too sick to write– and I have one thing to show for breathing on the planet. I finished this sweater. I promise we’ll have a picture with Stevi, who asked me to make it… Read More


on January 10, 2020

Okay–I’m depressed and sad and my hot water heater is dying. And I’m sick and have the crud. But there are blessings. There are always blessings. I don’t say “How can things get any worse,” any more. We’ve watched that play out on the national stage–it can get worse. It’s getting worse right now. But… Read More

Now Available–Silent Heart

on January 8, 2020

Silent Heart Search and Rescue: Book Two Dog wrangler Preston Echo has been in love with his brother’s best friend, copilot, and business partner since high school—and Damien Ward knew it. As Preston grew into a stunning, hard-willed man, Damien began to dream of Preston too.  Then Damien almost died in a helicopter crash. While… Read More

2020 Kermit Flail! Here’s to a Bright and Shiny New Year!

on January 6, 2020

WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! (And YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!) Oh my word, 2019 could not end soon enough! And with the New Year comes a new resolution to read more, and hey, do I have the solution to your problems right here! Starting with Edie Montreaux, a dear friend of mine, and the friend of another dear friend, who sat me… Read More

A real life bonfire and lying to dogs

on January 6, 2020

So this is short–it’s super late, and I’ve got a promo tour to write in a minute, and, well, tired. But yesterday we had a delightful change of pace. Mate’s cousin is staying on Mate’s grandmother’s property (which is now ours) and generally fixing it up in lieu of rent. Folks, given how much work… Read More

Quotes from “The Crucible”

on January 3, 2020

So, I gave sort of an overview of this play in a link of yesterday’s blog, but, again, it’s been haunting me. I thought I’d go over some quotes that have resonated with me for over thirty years– *  This society will not be a bag to swing around your head, Mr. Putnam— John Proctor… Read More

Just catching up…

on January 2, 2020

Hey all– I’ve been writing a lot of blog posts that I’m not posting. Normally I wouldn’t even mention them, but I didn’t want those of you worried about the Patreon eating all my time to think that’s where all the blog post went–I’ll still blog about my family, but sometimes the blog acts as… Read More

Help! I’m locked in the house with my children!

on December 31, 2019

LOL–no, seriously. Well, the good news is we have heat for now, and the bad news is the water heater is… well, frizzing. So, yes, we DO get out of the shower into a balmy 68 degrees, but since the shower possibly dropped our core temperatures down to our blue and frozen toes, well, it’s,… Read More

*yawn* That was swell!

on December 27, 2019

Remember when we were little, and we wanted all the presents and all the candy and all the sweets? We wanted a thousand Christmas celebrations and a thousand family members and all the hoopla in the world? Well, we’re all a little older now–even the teenagers–and we have simpler wants. The kids wanted clothes, because… Read More