That was a weekend

on August 12, 2019

So the next two weeks are going to be hellishly busy–but this weekend was the portal to that hell. FRIDAY– Friday, Squish and ZoomBoy danced with their troupe before the RiverCats game. Squish wasn’t excited about doing this because Saturday was going to be a big day also, but we insisted. It wasn’t easy–I had… Read More

Bacon and Eggs –a VERY SHORT Part 8 for Jai and Georg

on August 9, 2019

This is going to be super short–like drabble short. I’m in the middle of a blog tour, and the kids have a full plate this week–but I couldn’t let us forget about Jai and George! Also Parker was in dentist pain and needed some pets, and we always pet Parker because we love him, so… Read More

Quick Bites

on August 7, 2019

Me to Squish: So, I think we might be able to go shopping at Old Navy on Thursday for school clothes–good? Squish: I don’t know how that would work, Mom. There’s, you know. The red wave. Me: *puzzled* Republicans are invading Old Navy? Squish: … Me: … Oh. We can go next Monday instead. Squish:… Read More

Kermit Flail– Those Boys of Summer!

on August 5, 2019

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phew!  Okay– so yes. July was insane. There was RWA and giving classes and taking classes and not winning the RITA (I am actually not bitter about this–the winner was charming, and the night was so obviously bigger than me!) and finishing books and starting books–it’s been busy around here! It’s also been hot–so… Read More

Evolution TV

on August 1, 2019

I am trying to turn the television off. That’s it. Just off. Mate: Okay, so take that one–the red one–and go all the way to the right. Me: Done. Mate: Now click the power off button. Me: Done. Mate: Now the other remote– Me: I can get it from here. Mate: Well you seem to… Read More