Moar Adventures of Chicken!

on September 3, 2015

Text– Chicken: Mom, how do you change a tire? Me: You get the tire out of the trunk–wait, why are you asking. Phone Rings Chicken: Okay– so I’ve got a spare in my trunk? Me: Your father and I are going to hell for this. Chicken: Are you sure? Me: Of course I’m sure– all… Read More

More Parenting Fails

on September 2, 2015

*  This afternoon Big T asked me if we had any dish soap. I told him no, I’d get him some tomorrow. Two hours later I got mad because the dishes weren’t done. Lightbulb! *  Squish has had to do laps in soccer because we’re three minutes late. A part of me thinks this is… Read More

Decisions decisions…

on September 1, 2015

And here we have Chicken’s asshole cat bodyhumpingthe socks I”m blocking. And Squish laughing at him.Asshole cat. So, some things I need to decide in the next week– *  Swag items– should I order pamphlets with my backlist on them? Just business cards? Magnets? Yarn bags? WHAT SHOULD MY SWAG BE THIS YEAR? (Input welcome… Read More


on August 31, 2015

So yesterday, Zoomboy had a seeding tournament. It consisted of four mini-games, to determine which division the teams were in.  Mate’s team (and thus, Zoomboy’s) won all four games. I told Mate he shouldn’t get used to it, because now they were in a higher division. He was still excited– his team did really well…. Read More


on August 29, 2015

*** In Amy news, huzzah! I wrote my e-mail and talked too much and Zoomboy’s principal said he could switch math classes. Now, holy crap baby, you’d better not suck. That’s all I’ve got to say, you’d better not suck.  Anyway– on to SuperBat, and I think the ending of this chapter.  Should I tag… Read More

Why jeans?

on August 28, 2015

Qua da fuq, cat. Qua da fuq. So, tonight was back to school night for Zoomboy, and I’ve got to say– I was irritated as hell. I’m about to be a diva mom– forgive me. As a former teacher I should know better, but I’ve gained some perspective since then– and it doesn’t always skew… Read More

And Then This Happened…

on August 26, 2015

So, yes, fan fiction tomorrow, I promise. See, my phone has been dying all day. Mate and I are trying to figure out why it’s not charging, hardly at all, and why it’s hemorrhaging power and bandwidth, but since I rely on it a lot, it’s been a pain in the ass. So, Mate called… Read More

Be it Krypton or Gotham…

on August 26, 2015

The promised fanfic– but first, a brief Mate moment:  We were watching 48 Hours when we started giggling. It seems that we can’t ever watch a movie about San Quentin without remembering the time I accidentally traveled that bridge THREE TIMES because Mate was taking a nap and the detour was REALLY DAMNED CONFUSING.  “All… Read More

A brief political interlude

on August 25, 2015

First off, I’m still writing some more on that SuperBat fic I started last night. I want to see what happens, and if your’e not in a political frame of mind, just blow right by this. Second of all–I’m not putting this out on social media, because I know it invites debate and anger. I’m… Read More

Chinks in the Armor

on August 25, 2015

“Get out of here, Wayne!”  Superman gritted his teeth and pushed his bulk against the iron door. “This blast is going to take you out.” Batman didn’t deign to answer. He was busy playing finger-dance on a control panel that he swore, left and right, was going to stop the bomb from going off. “Get them… Read More