Bunnies– a Story of Granby

on December 2, 2019

So, a number of people begged so sweetly, I had to do this one. For those of you who haven’t read the Granby stories, they’re also known as my “knitting books”, and the stories revolve around a small alpaca/sheep farm and fiber mill, based off a real one in Granby, Colorado. Jeremy and Aiden from… Read More

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Nano

on November 30, 2019

So it’s the first time in six days I have the house to myself, and I feel compelled to talk about NANOWRIMO. I finished–but it was a hard finish. An “I counted my blog tour posts and the fiction from my personal blog” finish–but at the same time, I’m still really proud of it. We… Read More

Soccer Season

on November 25, 2019

Well, for us, it goes from August to July, so I’m not going to say it’s over. But this weekend was the last tournament of the regular season–and on the one hand, Squish is sorry to see it go, but on the other, we did notice that we left at the beginning of November and… Read More

The Rulz

on November 23, 2019

Requirements Authors Have for Their Readers 1. Buy any book you want from any place that is convenient or affordable to you. 2. Love any book that moves you, as passionately as you are able. 3. Don’t throw your Kindle if you hate a book–they break. (Paperbacks are fine as long as you warn family… Read More

When your grocery store opens a portal to hell…

on November 21, 2019

ZoomBoy and I enter the 9th Circle of hell–aka the grocery store at shift change. We are buying two boxes of chocolate chip cookies to give to his dance class and are running the clock, so seeing the vast assortment of humanity in front of us at the check stand is disconcerting, and frankly, we… Read More

Things That Are Broken

on November 20, 2019

* My bathroom–don’t ask about the floor, don’t ask about the plumbing, don’t ask about the sink. And don’t ask how badly I wanted to hide when the heat and air guy needed to use it this morning. * My house–Chicken brought her charge here so she could “borrow my dogs” and play with them… Read More

A typically boring evening…

on November 19, 2019

So, tonight, the following conversations happened: 1. We are watching Bob’s Burgers. For those of you who haven’t seen this show, my kids pretty much agree that Bob and Linda are me and Mate, right down to how Bob deals with his chronically weird children. (No. No. No, don’t do that. That’s… pretty awful actually…. Read More

Wow–that fast, huh?

on November 18, 2019

So today we had pizza so ZoomBoy could have a family dinner, and Big T, who didn’t get to come to Dizzyland with us could wish his little brother happy birthday. My folks came, and the conversation was entertaining, and while the party was small, it was happy. And honestly, sometimes between friends and extended… Read More

Everyday Things

on November 15, 2019

So, back to trying to finish this GD book. (Thanks, Karen Rose for the acronym–GDB–it should go down in history.) It should be done by tomorrow, but I think it will be closer to Monday, and I’m really sort of loving it. God, urban fantasy–even quirky, low-key fantasy–is just so much fun. Anyway– it was… Read More


on November 13, 2019

I’m still trying to make up the loss of 2K last night to the Microsoft Word gods–and finish this WIP so I can work on a couple of edits, so just a short post tonight. ZoomBoy had a lot of fun at Dizzyland–not gonna lie–but he started out sort of bumpy. Seems that his Math… Read More