The Namaste Lady, Redux

on October 8, 2019

Does everybody remember the Namaste lady? The lady I delighted by explaining what it would mean if our Traitor in Chief were rotting with syphilis from the inside out? I made her truly happy, I think–she said it was the happiest she’d been in three years, thinking about his flesh rotting from his bones in… Read More

But Officer…

on October 3, 2019

“Now ma’am, try explaining it one more time.” “Well, let’s see– it was just such a busy day. I was running around, getting the car looked at, getting batteries for the remotes, shopping, picking up kids…” “Now you say you were shopping?” “Yes sir–it’s been a while. I mean, we had frozen food, but sometimes… Read More

Real Life and Birthdays

on October 2, 2019

Sometimes Birthdays are everything they’re supposed to be–cake, ice cream, parties, a big to-do and a week where you can eat everything you want and not gain weight. And sometimes birthdays are mired in the same sad, struggling everyday shit that threatens to get the best of us most days of the year–tricky finances, fender… Read More

Happy Kermit Flail Birthday to Me!

on September 30, 2019

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! So yes–I know that this Kermit Flail is a wee bit early, but hey– September 30th is my birthday, and I can celebrate how I want! As it happens, October 1st is Mate’s birthday and my biomom’s, Sept. 24th is Chicken’s, Sept. 23rd is my Auntie’s, and seriously– there is so much celebrating going… Read More

That sort of day…

on September 27, 2019

What sort of day? Well, to start with, I sleep with my phone–my alarm is on it, and I’ve gotten texts or calls in the morning more times than I can count. We don’t have chargers in the bedroom, so it goes under my pillow. Which is how you drool-dial your buddy and get awakened… Read More

An Extra Cup of Coffee

on September 25, 2019

So usually I only have one cup of coffee. Part of that is that I get so much sugar and cream in it, I’m practically drinking an iced Michael Scott (yes, we’re watching The Office, still. Apparently all he drinks is CREAM AND SUGAR, and if you’re not careful, that’s what McDonalds gives you–it’s happened… Read More

A Tad Unstable

on September 24, 2019

So, Squish and I were driving home today when we noticed something odd about the really pricey SUV in front of us. First, there was the mattress and box spring on top–but that wasn’t the odd part. I mean, you don’t often see mattresses and a box spring on top of a white Navigator–but you… Read More

The “Fuck me!” list

on September 23, 2019

Ugh– every now and then even the best intentioned person can be a graceless asshole. Sometimes it’s ordering the wrong food when someone told you they were allergic and you misheard. (Been there.) Sometimes it’s insisting on a movie that’s a trigger and you were blind to that possibility. (Done that.) Sometimes it’s using a… Read More

The Motivation of Murderers

on September 19, 2019

I remember MacBeth. In fact, I’m still pissed Chicken’s senior teacher sucked balls, because I’d built this play up to be glorious and that twit spent a week on it and made the kids “explore it in groups”. Chicken had to come home and get the mom-notes version. Dear God. What assholes these mortals be…. Read More

Some moments from travel…

on September 18, 2019

Okay– I’m going to add the big post from FB at the end so it’s in the blog because it’s funny. After a brief stop in Detroit for reasons known only to Delta airlines (see my last entry) I spent this weekend in Orlando, at the Dreamspinner Press conference, and it was really lovely. One… Read More