on January 27, 2011

Jack and Teague (& Katy’s) first story officially HAS COVER ART! Okay–I hadn’t expected to be quite so excited about this but I AM. Remember, I started these stories about three years ago, and they took me, one installment at a time, about two years to finish. Suddenly, they have a cover, and they’re going… Read More

The Fool

on January 27, 2011

I admit– I’m a rank novice at this whole enterprise, and that’s one of the most enchanting things about it. Our tarot cards have arrived, and I am utterly beguiled. This image is taken from my deck, Fenestra, and the art boggles me– just the fact that what you read into the card is influenced… Read More


on January 25, 2011

* Good news on the picture front–I’ve talked Mate into a small camera, for me, because I’m tired of doing this shit on the blog. *woot* I’d love real pictures of the kids growing up again. (Yes, I know, this means I’m carrying around a phone, an iPod and a camera. That’s not the point…. Read More

Sharing the happy, sharing the sad…

on January 22, 2011

But mostly happy, really… * Tonight, we’re going out to dinner. Big T suggested it–he asked, actually. We used to go out all the time, before Things 3 & 4, and since Mate and I were SO impressed with our brain trust (because SERIOUSLY, it’s not like either of us slackers got a 4.0) he… Read More

Short Photos of Fiber Content

on January 21, 2011

Okay– tomorrow, I’m going to be on TWO different blogs. I’m going to be on Marie’s blog tomorrow, talking about The Crazy Tree, and I’m going to be on Wave’s talking about Wishing on a Blue Star. I’m also up for awards in a couple of categories over at Love Romance Cafe (voting instructions are… Read More


on January 18, 2011

Goddess, I love these stories. For one thing, they were dragon ridden–I started writing and couldn’t stop. I love it when that happens, even though I’ve had to learn to temper that ride with real things, like housework and feeding the family and going to the bathroom. For another, they represent everything I’ve come to… Read More

On being nocturnal…

on January 17, 2011

Zoomboy is sick–that horrible high fever, crushing head-ache, lay there like a dead fish sort of sick that apparently only bird-boned, intense little boys get, because he’s the only child I’ve had who gets sick like this. Anyway, when Zoomboy is sick, he demands cuddles, and he’s been sick enough to be laying down in… Read More

zomg zomg zomg

on January 14, 2011

TELL me you see what I’m talking about! Okay– for the record–I LOVED the cover to Making Promises… I just couldn’t figure out why it looked a little bit familiar. That’s okay though–Hercules and Iolus hit my slash button before I knew I had one. It’s like kismet or something, right?

Points of Interest

on January 13, 2011

(Forgive the pirated Michael Parkes Print– I’m a sucker for that faintly sinister blind jester… SO sexual…) Anyway, some things you may want to know. * The endless technicolor yawn has ceased, and Squish is feeling much better. The dog, however, is traumatized. * Big T spent all night typing a paper. At one in… Read More

Your regular blog post will be interrupted today…

on January 11, 2011

by the following special report… My four year old threw up on the dog this morning. That sounds really spectacular, but I’ve got to tell you, she had a lot of practice before she made the award winning shot. If anyone needs me? I’m going to be doing laundry or serving as a barcalounger, or… Read More