Last Random News Bite

on November 23, 2009

Good News: I pushed send for Rampant into the publishers today. Bad news: Area 51 was every bit as corny as I thought it would be.Good news: I don’t care. That’s all, folks!

Random News

on November 23, 2009

* Good news–Gave myself permission to be sick this weekend. That’s worked out well for me. * Bad news–Poor Mate. He’s on vacation too–and he REALLY wanted to go out to a movie last night. I really wanted to sit on the chair feeling wretched and knitting. I won. * Good news–We did get to… Read More

Meet The Beast…

on November 21, 2009

And the beast is me. Seriously. I’ve been a snarling, bitchy, horrible beast this last week… and it’s funny. I think I finally figured out what my problem is. Uhm… It’s November and I teach high school. O.M.G. Do I truly need any other reason? Okay… well, my small people are also tired and have… Read More

Avoiding the blog…

on November 19, 2009

No, not you guys, although it probably feels like that. (I’m sorry–I love reading everyone’s blogs, mostly I’ve just been busy!) And mostly it’s been my own blog I’m avoiding. I had some very cool, very funny stuff to blog about, like how my administrator requested I didn’t mention anatomical parts on my referrals (although… Read More

Self Esteem and Why I Need Another Job…

on November 17, 2009

First of all– MOTHERHOOD #WIN!!! Sam came to the party. Sam is Zoomboy’s bestest best friend in the whole world. Sam is fun. Sam and Zoomboy play. I honestly wouldn’t care if they leaned against the wall like potatoes–Sam made Zoomboy happy and all was right with my world! For a little while at least…. Read More


on November 15, 2009

So Mate and I are out of the little kid birthday game. When do you send out invitations again? One week before the party? Two? I thought one–I remember missing parties where the lead in was too long. Mate thought two–but he forgot to remind me two weeks before the party, and I’m the one… Read More


on November 12, 2009

Trust me. You don’t want to know. But I can tell you this. 1/2 a can of resolve and entire bottle of Febreze later, and we may be able to stay in the house w/out chuking into the crappy bathroom as a family. The cats think the dog is possessed by Satan. And we’ve got… Read More


on November 10, 2009

The fifth Jack & Teague (& Katy) is up. It’s called ‘Becoming’, it’s the last one on the website, and, well, I’m exhausted! Enjoy! (And because this is a knitting blog, I’ll add this: Mate just came up with another use for a knitting needle. Seems Zoom Boy locked our bedroom door from the inside… Read More


on November 9, 2009

Okay–I’m rating my goals for this weekend–everybody with me? Cleaning the table–#fail Folding the clothes–#fail Scrubbing the bathroom–#fail Going grocery shopping–#fail Taking Zoom Boy to his soccer party–#win! Getting the kids to gymnastics–#win! Getting to see a movie with mate–#fail Getting to see a movie with mate & the short people–#win! Getting to see a… Read More

I hate being a LIbra…

on November 7, 2009

You all know the birth sign Libra, right? The scales? The justice? I hates it. I have a temper (shocker) and I have a spine, and I know how to use them–but it’s hard sometimes when you see the other guy’s side of the story. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t piss me off. (You… Read More